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!the Motivational Thread!


Posted : 05/04/2013 12:10 pm

Hey guys and girls! I dedicate this thread to all the people suffering from acne.

I want each of you to pretend that your acne has instantaneously and magically disappeared for good! And with your new found joy and excitement, and your burning desire to help others, you are to deliver a motivational speech to all other acne sufferers. Your speech could be long or short, thoroughly prepared or an impromptu. There are no rules or guidelines for this speech, except that you speak from your heart. Please post your speech here! :):):)

I can't wait to read some of your stories!! I'll post mine up once this gets rolling.


Posted : 05/04/2013 6:50 pm

Whatever I'll play along. Only thing I will tell people is DONT PICK! Please dont do it. I beg all of you do not pick your skin. Dont pop, poke, touch, prod whatever it is you all do to your acne. Just let it be. If you pop or pick it all that does is it make worse, short term and long term. You don't want acne scaring it suuuuuucks big time. So again just leave it alone. You will only make it worse..

Not sure if that is what you meant but yea thats what I'd tell people if I woke up tommorow with a clear face and no acne scars.


Posted : 05/04/2013 8:49 pm

Something along the lines of not waiting for your acne to be gone to start living and enjoying life. You waste so much time being upset and worrying over acne that could be better spent trying to enjoy life and be happy. Of course you're entitled to have bad days or down days but if you can help it, try and not have feeling that way become a 'habit'. Know you're not alone and that there is someone that you can talk to - whether that's someone you can trust in real life or venting to someone or a group of people on a site like this. Try to not let your acne be you. Try to not be so preoccupied or obsessed with it. You are more than you're skin - acne does not define who you are. You are worth so much more than you think. Don't be so hard on yourself. If you feel people are 'judging' you on your acne remember the saying 'those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind'

And also that I know how it is and how much acne sucks and that it is so much more than 'just acne'. I know a lot of the things I said are a lot easier said than done but I do think it's worth trying.

There's probably other things I'd say too that I can't think of now. If I knew why I'd suddenly woken up with no acne I'd be sharing that with everyone with acne to help them straight away :P


Posted : 05/05/2013 1:12 pm

Our body is just a machinery that we use to experience the world with.

Beautiful or not, enjoy life while it lasts.


Posted : 05/09/2013 11:44 am

Thanks for sharing, people. I find it essential and refreshing to take a break from reading and relating to other people's problems so to get inspired by other people's motivational words (even if they are make believe lol). And when YOU put yourself in a mindset of positivity and hope, even if for just a moment, you are making a difference for yourself, rather than dwelling on the negatives and past. With practice, that positive mindset becomes a habit, which will reflect in all aspects of your life INCLUDING THE QUALITY OF YOU SKIN!!! I don't mean to sound like a new age guru or something, I know it kinda comes off that way LOL. But it's how I truly feel.
