Dianette : Oral Contraceptive

777 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg, ethinylestradiol 35 micrograms.

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, povidone, talc, magnesium stearate, sucrose, polyethylene glycol 6000, calcium carbonate, glycerol, montan glycol wax, titanium dioxide (E171), and yellow iron oxide (E172).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 21, 2023
Dianette - 2 week review
So I thought I’d pop on a recent experience with dianette (or in my case co-cyprindiol, which is the generic name - same thing though). I got my nexplanon implant removed in April and for a month or two my skin wasn’t too bad (though it’s always been far from perfect), but by august my skin was horrendous, the worst it’s ever been. Fast forward to September and it was so bad I didn’t want to leave the house, i was cancelling plans, crying all the time, sleeping as much as I could. It was a nightmare. I went to the doctor after reading about dianette and he was happy to let me try it. I’ve now been on dianette for just over 2 weeks, so it’s still very early. The first week I had the worst breakout I’d ever had. Big cystic spots all over my chin, my jawline and my left cheek! (Though to be honest these were forming just before the dianette so likely would have come up anyway). HOWEVER, just over a week later and my skin seems to be clearing, the cystic spots have gone, and while its obviously not perfect, my skin feels much smoother and I’m a lot happier with where it’s at at the minute! I’m not naive, and I’ve read through every other review on here so I’m aware I’ve got a long way to go and there’s a chance I could have more breakouts. But I’m happy with the progress so far. Other than my boobs feeling tender (and bigger!) I haven’t had any other side effects that I’ve noticed. I have also been referred to dermatology as I’d originally wanted spirinalactone, so I imagine I’ll get an appointment for that at some point but for now I’m happy to see what progress I’ll make on dianette.
October 19, 2022
Awful acne and mood swings

I was prescribed Dianette for my acne a few months ago and I regret ever starting it. For one, my acne is worse than it’s ever been and I finished the second pack last week. I know people say it takes a few months and it gets worse before better but I’d never have started it if I knew this as it wasn’t that bad before! 

It also completely changed me as a person, from someone who’s motivated and generally a happy person to having suicidal thoughts. Mainly during the second pack, I felt myself sink into such a low mood where I didn’t want to even get up in the morning. I felt like a cloud was constantly over me, I got snappy at the smallest things and cried almost everyday and my family and friends all noticed. I felt hopeless and honestly didn’t see the point in living. I also had 0 sex drive which isn’t great for a new relationship and felt I was even beginning to turn on my boyfriend. I was basically isolating myself and falling out with everyone around me! 

I stopped this pill 5 days ago, I’m on the 7 day break but I will NOT resume taking it. 5 days without it I feel I’ve found my old self again! Today I went my first run in weeks since I had the energy to go, I found myself smiling more than I have in months and my mind is so much clearer. I even cried with happiness when I realised I was singing to songs on the radio! 

I’m hoping my skin will clear up eventually, it’s only on my right jaw line and I’m using EpiDuo cream and a skincare regime as well as having cut our dairy, refined sugar and caffeine. Don’t get me wrong I’d have loved dianette to have cleared my skin eventually without those awful side effects but I hear it comes back worse than ever once you stop taking it (in the uk it’s only prescribed for a short time eg 6 months) so it’s only a temporary fix. It’s definitely not worth it and I’d strongly advise anyone who’s thinking of taking it to think of an alternative. 

January 14, 2019

So I wanted to write a review because I was really struggling to find a review that matched what I was going through whilst taking dianette. I'm 24 and have suffered with acne since my teens, I always knew it was hormonal but wanted to try everything first before I decided to take dianette. Here comes the honest part. My skin got extremely worst as soon as I started taking it, within the first few weeks it got super red and blotchy and I had these painful cystic spots everywhere, especially on my chin which I had never had before! It was just awful and I felt like I couldn't leave the house. This carried on for the first 4 months with no sign of getting better at all. I even considered coming off it. Anyways I am now on my fifth month and all of a sudden my skin is clearer than ever! I am still for some reason experiencing redness which almost looks like roscaea (especially when i exercise etc) I never use to get this before but I'd take that over acne any day. Anyways my skin felt like it improved over night but it definitely took a lot of patience and emotional pain. Its important to remember that this pill effects everyone differently but if like me you have tried everything else I would say give it a go as long as you are willing to experience the side effects and push through to at least 6 months to see if it can help you! I feel a lot more confident now and am hoping to stay on it for a bit longer whilst I am in my twenties. Have hope. :symbols_v1_2:

June 27, 2019

Hi there! 

Have you tried other birth control than that? I'm on yaz and it is not helping yet.

What you doctor is saying about staying long term on dianette? Thank you!

November 8, 2018
In the past decade I've done three stints of Dianette, or Co-Cyprindiol as it's now called. The first time, back in 2007, it worked a charm and I was on it for about 5 years. However, when I came off my spots returned, but not badly. In 2015, it cleared my spots again but made my skin dry and flaky. When I came off, my spots returned worse than ever and I started getting thick hair growth on my top lip, arms and legs, which eventually evened out. Just a week ago, I started it again, and now I've broken out in the worst cystic acne I've ever experienced. Seems to me, although it works while you're on it, after each stint your symptoms return with a vengeance. My advice? Never start on it
September 28, 2018
Clear skin but side effects
Within two weeks my skin was completely clear, I no longer had extremely oily skin, my hair was a lot less greasy and I could go much longer without washing it! Was on it for a year and a half. However: 1. I started getting diarrhea every period (I had never previously before had it in my life!) and this was triggered by anything unhealthy/fatty so I had to really watch what i'd eat on my period. Came off the pill and haven't had it since. 2. After about 8 months to a year I started getting hot flushes more and more, I was putting it down to nerves but it got to the point where I was having 10-20 hot flushes everyday and my face was going bright pink- very embarrassing. Came off the pill and within 2 days they stopped completely. Overall I would recommend it for short term use
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July 7, 2018
Works with side effects
A while ago I had really severe acne so I went on dianette. It took a few months but it did clear up my skin totally. However, I also noticed a lot of weight gain resulting in stretch marks. As a result, I switched to a course of antibiotics which seemed to be working at first but now my skin has got really bad again. I have restarted taking dianette for a few days and have experienced mood swings however I am not sure if that is a result of my acne or the pill. I did not like taking dianette but I fear it is necessary if I want clear skin as nothing else has worked
May 23, 2018
Loved it
I absolutely LOVED being on Dianette a few years ago, it hugely helped my skin clear up. I still had some active acne, but not to the extent I had previously. I did stay on it for 4 years, which is not recommended in the UK because of it's blood clotting issues, however I did not experience any side effects. I have since asked to go back on it, however my GP wants my blood pressure checked again and again to make sure it's low enough to go on Dianette.
March 20, 2018
Works but ....
I've had hormonal acne for 20 years . I started taking dianette aged 20 and it definitely helped my skin but I did still get spots . Every time I came off it my skin was worse than ever so I ended up back on it but it took longer to kick in each time . After the birth of my son when I was 29 my skin really flared up , I had cystic acne on my cheeks which was leaving pitted scars . I was getting an improvement after 6 months but was still really fed up so took 2 packets back to back and for the first time in 15 years I had no spots !. I carried on doing this until a couple of months ago and the worst I'd get was a spot on my chin every few weeks which cleared up with bp . I decided to do an experiment and see what happened if I went back to taking the pill 'normally' and last week I had a cystic spot on my cheek for the first time in years . I've done loads of research and opinion is divided on if it does any harm continuously running 2 packs back to back . The issue is that my doctor thinks when I'm 35 ( next year) I need to come off dianette. I am aware of the increased risk compared to other pills but to me it's worth it not to be depressed by acne . I know by my little experiment that I'm still acne prone so I'm starting to panic . That is where the but comes in because it's not something ( most ) doctors will agree to you taking until you truly 'grow out ' of acne . Personally I've had no side effects and getting acne does make me depressed, moody and irritable so feel better on it . I've had no weight gain , I weigh the same as I did when I was 20 !. It's a shame there's not a way for the manufacturers to lower the risks of dianette so it can be taken until it's no longer needed . After spending a fortune on getting rid of my acne scars I'm terrified of getting full blown cystic acne again.
January 17, 2018
Miracle drug
Really worked for me. Took a few months to kick in but so worth the wait. I have been on this drug for 10 years with no bad side effects. A life changer!
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May 23, 2018
Wow really?! I didn't know you could stay on it for 2 years. Are you in USA or UK? In the UK it's not recommended for more than 2 years I believe. I went on it for 4 years and had no side effects though.
January 17, 2018
Giving them a try
I've recently started dianette , just coming up to the end of my second week , so far my skin has got slightly worse . However I've heard this is fairly normal as your body needs to get used to this pill . I can say the first few days I got bad side affects , however now I'm not getting them as much . I'm going to carry on with this for 3 months and see if there is any improvement then . I will then give an updated review . My GP has asked me to go in after my first month on these so we can see if I'm okay to carry on taking them.