spingirl214 Reputation: 0 Last visited: Not recently activeProfileReviews 7Following 0Followers 0Forums 0ReviewsCommentsUser's Reviews Ice Cubes Face Massage 5.0Over the past 30 days I've been icing my face… Adapalene / Benzoyl Peroxide (Epiduo®) 5.0Let me start by saying I have hormonal acne mainly… Garnier : 5-in-1 Skin Perfector BB Cream Oil-Free 5.0I like the one with salicylic acid for acne prone… Tea Tree Oil 5.0Love tea tree oil for spot treatment...doesn't work on my… Minocycline 4.0Minocycline worked well for my cystic acne, but it's not… CeraVe : Renewing SA Cleanser 5.0This stuff is great. I use every morning before putting… Cetaphil : Dermacontrol Oil Control Moisturizer, SPF 30 4.0It is hell trying to find an SPF when you…