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Tactupump forte to strong for sensitive skin!


Posted : 12/30/2018 2:01 am

I was prescribed tactupump forte by a dermatologist. I'm a redhead and have naturally very sensitive skin. My dermatologist was aware of that.

I started using it every second night for about a week and Ideveloped what seems to be contact dermatitis around my mouth. Many little pustules, pain, itching and redness. Can't even cover with makeup. It was hard for me to smile and even open my mouth fully.

Had this rashfor 5 longdays so far and haven't applied the cream for 6days. It's horrible having to deal with public with this gross blistering rash around my mouth.

I DO NOT recommend this for people who have sensitive skin. It will just make your skin worse and more angry. Some skin types just can't handle the harsh creams.


Has anyone else experienced such a harsh reaction?


Posted : 12/30/2018 7:01 am

I have had worse, i got severe cystic acne because of that but then my derm told me to wash it off after just half an hour because it was that strong for my sensitive skin and it worked fine after that.


Posted : 12/30/2018 11:05 am

Maybe I will try that once my face is completely healed up. Thanks!
