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Lymecycline antibiotics - using for almost 10 years


Posted : 08/28/2018 1:35 pm


I am looking for some advice please. I have always suffered from acne. When I was around 30 it got really bad onmy back and I eventually went to my GP for this. First treatment was doxycycline. That didn't work too well, and I then moved to Lymecycline and the GP scheduled a dermatologist appointment. The Dermatologist and I discussed Roaccutane but discounted this, as I was still running competitively andI didn't want to give that up while the side effects of the drug hit. I think when I started on the Lymecycline I was also prescribed isotretinin gel. The isotretinin didn't work at all and made me much worse with really massive inflamed cysts on my face. I came off the isotretinin and settled on Lymecycline with Benzoyl Peroxide 10%. The dermatologist even sent me to see a doctor who was carrying out a trial with laser treatment but by the time I got to him the antibiotics had cleared me up so I was rejected from the trial.

Bringing us up to date, now 9 years on, I useBenzoyl Peroxide 5% once a day (as 10% no longer available in the EU!) and lymecycline (one tab per day 300mg). I've been using the antibiotic for at least 9 years constantly. My skin is almost always clear, and occasionally I get odd spot in the stubborn bits around the nose creases etc. I think this has got worse when I moved from benzoyl peroxide 10% to 5%. I only use the benzoyl peroxide once a day at night as I got fed up ruining my expensive clothing if using benzoyl peroxide in the day!

My acneis cystic, and the lymecycline has certainly worked a treat on that for the 9 years or so I've used it.

I changed doctor a couple of months ago and had to go and see the new doctorto get my lymecycline prescription and ask for repeat prescription. Long and short of it, the doctor refused to prescribe citing antibiotic resistance as the reason. I can understand that, but I also know the stress, anxiety and depression than can be caused with bad acne. I didn't challenge the doctor, thought I would give it a go. Some part of me thought for a long time I had been using the drug too long and that perhaps I can come off it, continue with topical Benzoyl peroxide and I'd be OK, and that my fear of acne was keeping me using it.

However, I've been off the antibiotics for less than a week and I already have cystic acne reappearing on my faceand back. Interestingly,this is around the edge of topical treatment (near my ear, back of the ear, my head). But I can feel something on my chin and there is the usual problem around the nose crease.

Question is, do I need to wait and let things settle or push the doctor for antibiotic prescription again? I did feel the doctor was being very dismissive of me saying my face was clear, without appreciating that was because of the treatment, and not considering what I have been through to get to a settled treatmentthat works for me. Obviously my previous GP prescribed for 9 years without needing to take me off it, so this is at odds with the new doctor.

Thanks in advance.


Posted : 09/08/2018 2:37 pm

I'm on trimethroprim antibiotics that is good to hear lymecycline worked for acne. Keep asking as ur at risk of scaring I have acne 13 years. U cud try spriloactone.


Posted : 09/09/2018 4:56 am

Rascally, When you were on Lymecycline was it normal that occasionally you would get a breakout and then it would clear after for months and then return again?


Posted : 09/15/2018 5:26 pm

PhilipMott, I'd occasionally get the odd spot, but I wouldn't say I had breakouts. For years I was clear almost all the time. I think the routine worked for me. Having said that, reading other posts on this forum, the med didn't work for others or worked differently for them so you need to do what's best for you. I had success with this treatment and there is no doubt in my mind since I stopped my acne has returned. I am using topical treatment twice daily now to see how it goes but on verge of a return to the doctor to ask for the lymecycline again. The acne is much worse and back in areas not being topically treated.


Posted : 09/19/2018 1:28 pm

I live in EU and I just boughtBenzoyl Peroxide 10% lol(costed me roughly 4,5euro). Also 300mg lymecycline is maybe more than enough, there is version of 150mg maybe it would be enough? Remember that antibiotics have not only antibacterial but also antinflammatory effect.
