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I turned a small blemish into a huge scar because of apple cider vinegar, HELP


Posted : 02/04/2018 10:00 am

Okay so I just signed up on to make myself feel better and get some advice on this tragic thing i did for my face, because I really feel like trash right now. So last week. I was looking at the mirror, close up, at my blemishes. I have this problem where I will start picking at the smallest thing on my face because im so afraid of pimples. I pick on three pimples on my cheek. All got inflamed. Throughout the week i tried putting mask, benzoyl peroxide, baking soda, etc. Two of them went down. However it was so emotionally exhausting to go through this. I even have to reshhedule an interview because of how embarrassed i was with the pimples. Last one didnt go down. And then i read somewhere that APple cider vinegar helps. I got acv on a cotton ball and pressed it against the pimple for a while, like 2-3 min. WHEN I LET IT GO I WAS HORRIFIED. I caused a huge scar on my cheek. Not only did the pimple remain but bow there is a scar. I am sooo sad. My parents make me feel worse saying Whats that on your face or Why do u always touch your face etc. Idk, im so depressed because of this suddenly. I put aloe vera on it went to sleep but it became more dark. What can i do at this point to help my skin heal faster? I really need it to heal in a week for my interview. Thank guys, please I need genuine advice that works.



Posted : 02/04/2018 11:02 am

The problem i would have is,what is your skin type,asians,darker skin people cant just put acidic things on face as they can suffer from hyperpigmentation which is different from caucasians.

first off all,stop touching your face and picking and try to be kind to your skin.vinegar is acidic so niw you basicly did a spot peel on your face!

so this is gonna take at least 7 days to peel so expect peeling or for the skin to go hard and shed so dont pick it!

just keep out of direct light and keep it moisturised.dont use benzol peroxide,dont use anything chemical,just moisturise and be carefull washing and pat dry your face,dont rub it dry.


Posted : 02/04/2018 1:30 pm

I have caucasian skin, Id say.

Update: so it kind of already started peeling after a shower and now the middle is pretty much peeled off (its more pinkish). I put neosporin on it because i dont want it to be infected and i want my new skin to grow as fastly as possible over it. Is neosporin a good idea? Or should i leave it with nothing on it. I also tried aloe vera again, but it was burning, so i didnt want to use it. Also i heard aquaphor is good. But honestly im confused. Should i let my skin do the healing on its own or put some sort of antibiotic cream on it?

P.S is makeup safe?



Posted : 02/04/2018 6:13 pm

Just put neosporin on it,keep it clean and moist,no picking or scratching, should peel,crack off on its own in aboit 7 dayish.
