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Feeling hopeless


Posted : 01/05/2018 4:32 pm

Hello, I'm a 19 year old female and I've been dealing with acne since elementary school. Now that I'm older it's gotten way worse. Cystic acne all over my face, my chest, my shoulders, my back, just everywhere. I've tried everything. It started with benzoyl peroxide then frequently changed to onexton, epiduo then doxycycline, minocycline, clindamycin, adapalene gel, and so on. Finally I decided I wanted to get on Accutane in December of 2017. Got the initial blood work and pregnancy test done only to find out that my new insurance (United Health Care) doesn't cover it or ANY of the generic brands. Right now my face looks awful, full of cysts and blotchy red skin. My shoulders are the worst they've ever been. My acne never comes to a head, it's always blind pimples or cysts. I was so looking forward to Accutane so I could go just ONE summer without dots all over my body and face. I take vitamins, I exercise often, and I'm trying to eat healthier but none of it seems to work. I keep thinking about my future kids and how every single picture I'll show them of me growing up is going to involve some form of acne on my face. Since I've practically tried everything at this point and Accutane was my last option, what do I even do now? Just live with it how I have been for the past decade? I'm getting tired of walking around campus with gross skin that can be seen even through makeup and seeing everyone else with gorgeous skin when they aren't even wearing makeup.


Posted : 01/05/2018 5:24 pm

I know I might seem like every person youve ever met but drink water if you havent tried already, have 8 cups a day and see how you go. Also you might be overworking your skin with products maybe trying washing your face once a day for a while and slowly working your way back to 2 times a day. I would also roccomend angels on bare skin by lush its amazing.
