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Success Story: Worked for me


Posted : 09/29/2017 1:50 am

After 17 years, and a really bad start to 2017, I think I've finally found a way to control my acne. It's been about 5-6 months now and so far so good. I thought I would share:

*Lots of water: Invest in 64 ounce or more container to carry around with you all day.

*Vitamin C: Costco has a good deal. One tablet a day will do. I take with a big glass of water before bed.

*Gentle cleanser: I use a variety of Neutrogena salicylic acid cleansers. Once a day.

* Scrub: Sounds counter intuitive but I use it at night. Just be super gentle. I use st. Yves apricot acne scrub. gentle.

*Moisturize: I always hated this and thought it made things worse...but everything i read said I started moisturizing. I use oil free Neutrogena moisturizer.

*Benzoyl peroxide: I use 10% BP for spot treatment. Very rarely recently. In the past i used to cake that bad boy on. Don't do that, as much as you're tempted.makes it worse.

*Pray: this is more of a personal belief, but I believe it's worked. : )

So far this has worked. This is the first time in over a decade of coming to this page that I post a suggestion instead of looking for some. Keep your head up. Things will get better.


Posted : 10/01/2017 4:00 am

Congrats! A lot of people tend to forget about drinking plenty of water.
