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Re occurring huge red spots... HELP


Posted : 08/18/2017 10:18 am

IMG_4910.JPGFor the past few years I have suffered from really bad spots, getting them frequently and they'd always be red and sore. Just recently i managed to calm them down and now I get less, but I still get them by the load. However, since I managed to calm them, I now only ever get spots in the same areas, I always get a cluster of about 2/3 huge red spots in the centre of my cheek, 2 on how forehead and 2 on my chin and as soon as one is recovering, another appears. I have noticed that the minimal products I use on my face, the better my skin looks. I wear makeup everyday so I need to obviously use products to remove it, "simple" is the only to keep them sort of at bay. I just want advice on how to take care of my skin to be honest, in a way which might benefit my type of skin cos  feel like I've hit a wall 




Posted : 08/18/2017 1:04 pm


That looks to me like it could possibly be hormonal acne! I was diagnosed with it and I would get a lot of acne on my cheeks and some on my jawline.

If you are looking for a gentle cleanser have you tried the Neutrogena make-up remover wipes? Use the blue packaged one as the pink is scented and my skin did not react well (maybe we have similar skin). After I remove my make-up, I wash my face using a cetaphil bar soap. So gentle on my face!

Hopefully that helped some!



Posted : 08/18/2017 1:28 pm

Key is to control the inflammation,you need to get plenty of food with antininflammitory benefits in your system.

the red is inflammation,this tirns then to a white head.control the inflammation and you should be spot free.

i eat acne fruendly diet and just introduced a lot more fruit including will notice before you get break out tbat some times you feel the irritation,itch and pain before you get red and inflamed.


Posted : 08/19/2017 11:30 am

Your skin doesn't look to bad + you look like a really pretty girl, so don't let those few spots get you down! What products do you use to control your acne? I'd use a standard protocol of BPO + some topical antibacterial creme for a few weeks. If your skin can't handle BPO, I'd use Niacineamide instead.
