Shaving and Laser c...
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Shaving and Laser caused irritation - follicultitis


Posted : 06/07/2017 5:48 am

Hi guys

I could really do with some help andguidance. Im female and usually have very clear skin but last year i bought a home laser hair removal product (tria 4x) and as you know for this to be effective I had to shave my face. now just some background. i have pcos so have more hair then the normal girl on face (im 31 and never ever got spots). so anyway i was shaving for atleast 6+ months when down the line (i gave up on laser inbetween but kept up with shaving as my primary way of removing facial hair) i noticed i was breaking out alot on face and suddenly i noticed a cluster of spots (about 10 to 15) under my lip on chin which itched ALOT and seem to get aggravated. They appear as red flesh like bumps and some that have tiny whiteheaded pus. now I have been researching what this could be and my belief is that this is not acne but in fact folliculitis. they have been there for 6 weeks now and since i noticed them i stopped all shaving and lasering. so no hair removal apart from waxing which is also breaking me out. i have tried salicylic acid and some benzoyl peroxide products such as clearasil. ive tried everything to clear it up topically but nothing is working even a prescribed anti-bacterial cream called Fucidin H by GP which is not doing anything to it. im curious to know, in ur opinions, what this could be? not sure if mine is bacterial or fungal but if fucidin h hasnt worked i am guessing it could be fungal?

Also i have bought the nizoral shampoo after reading through some of the threads on site. this is my second day and all i can say is the itching has returned as i am not applying the fucidin. so not sure if nizoral is working or too soon to tell?

Thank you so much. looking forward to hearing from you all. im in despair and really down about it. :-((((((


Posted : 06/08/2017 12:09 pm

Eat more fruits and veggies, raw eating cures any skin issues!
try drinking herbal teas to stabilize hormones and heal skin
honeybrush, red rAspberry leaf, nettle, milk thistle
drink 30 min before meal, avoid taking same time other drugs
