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Benzoyl Peroxide information misleading


Posted : 02/15/2017 2:03 pm

I've been using the Acne.Org regimen for 8 weeks now, and was following the directions precisely. I slowly increased my benzoyl peroxide usage and eventually got to the length of my finger. This caused not only severe peeling, but a chemical burn. My skin was on fire, bright red, peeling and hot. It should be noted in the instructions that the amount of benzoyl = to the length of a finger can be WAY too much for some people. I didn't use it for 5 days and my skin healed, and I started with a pea size amount every second day. I'm still getting the peeling, but other than that everything is fine now. It even says on the back of the bottle that if you experience severe peeling, to only apply once a day, every second day. Not "the more the better, you can't use too much" You can and I learned that the hard way. Just a heads up for any new users. I'm still experiencing breakouts and have been using it for 8 weeks but I'm still hopeful.

Netrice liked
Member Customer Service

Posted : 02/17/2017 3:04 pm

Hi Klessard,

Thank you for your feedback. Just to clarify, are you using the Moisturizer and Cleanser along with the Treatment? The Treatment may cause dryness so it is important that you moisturize to keep your skin from getting dry and irritated.


Posted : 02/20/2017 2:05 pm

Hi there - yes I am using the whole regimen. Moisturizing 2-3 times a day.


Posted : 02/22/2017 4:24 pm

Dan tries to show overall what the average user can expect but the Regimen is certainly not a one-size-fits-all treatment plan. It's still up to the individual user to use the products as recommended while at the same time paying attention to their skin and if need be, use less or more treatment, moisturizer, etc. to suit their own individual skin needs. I actually had the same experience but eventually the symptoms went away and the treatment got comfortable, and I was eventually able to tolerate the full dose of BP and even exceed the dose. Most of our sensitive skin users tend to have a similar experience but still go on to be successful. The key to success at this point is staying ahead of the dryness. Adding some jojoba oil to your moisturizer can really help!! It was my son's best friend in the early weeks.

Hang in there, it gets better! |


Posted : 02/23/2017 2:28 pm

Thank you! I have been playing around with it since I got the chemical burn. Still getting very dry skin, I may have to order the jojoba oil and try it out.
