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Any one have ideas for getting rid of acne cysts?


Posted : 11/07/2016 10:22 pm

Arg, I hate these things. Anyhow, I'm currently on my third brand of birth control to try to get to the ROOT of the problem. In the meantime, while I'm waiting for THAT to kick in, I've still got these two giant cysts on my jawline. I'm not sure if they're cysts or nodules, but they are very hard and red and are not rising to the surface and they seem to simply be sitting there and not fading away at all. They do not itch or hurt anymore, but I want them to LEAVE! Lol. Any one have anything that has worked for healing cysts or nodules quickly? Thanks!


Posted : 11/08/2016 1:25 am

I use to have the same kind and even I would get some on my forehead. I automatically thought it was hormonal bc most where on my jaw but until I started getting serious about my gut health nothing really worked. I started drinking water only and for couple weeks was on a very strict paleo diet. No dairy, no gluten, no sugar. Also got on a 25 billion strand probiotic 3x a day and I'm cyst free.

Best quick remedy for me is sulfur ointment. It dries it up quick.

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