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Is a cleanser REALLY necessary?


Posted : 10/18/2015 7:58 am

I was wondering, if a cleanser is really necessary . At the moment, i just wash my face with lukewarm water twice a day, and i scrub once/twice a week to remove dead skin. I'm using Duac and moisturizer at the moment plus other "natural" treatments i try sometimes. So do you think the way i'm doing it right now is fine or i should just stick to a cleanser ? Also does scrubbing help redness ?  :)


Posted : 10/18/2015 1:19 pm

It depends on your skin type. If your skin agrees with you not using a cleanser then by all means go for it. I believe that any skin type can benefit from a through cleansing, but every bodies skin is different.


Posted : 10/18/2015 4:44 pm

Cleanser is necessary for removing your previous application of topical medication & moisturizer. Without cleansing, a new layer of treatment doesn't absorb as well.

Also does scrubbing help redness ?

No, you should be as gentle as possible with skin that is red.

Ok thanks.. i guess i'll  have to find a good cleanser, the last 2 i tried made me breakout :( Thank you control panel :)


Posted : 10/19/2015 6:08 pm

Are you sure it's the cleanser that broke you out? Unless your skin has been completely clear, there are many variables that could've caused a breakout. It may be something you did up to 3 weeks prior (since acne can take that long to surface once it forms).

Are you sure it's the cleanser that broke you out? Unless your skin has been completely clear, there are many variables that could've caused a breakout. It may be something you did up to 3 weeks prior (since acne can take that long to surface once it forms).

Yes, i'm pretty sure. I'll explain you why. (My skin is oily, but got dry because treatment)
I've been trying to fight acne with tips since June. My acne improved a lot, after couple weeks i stopped breaking out on nose and chin , but my cheeks and forehead still breakout,but not as bad as 3-4 months ago , and pimples are smaller . I'd say 70% is gone since 3 months but i struggle to get rid of that 30% too, since months now. So i try a cleanser/ moisturizer for 1-2-3 weeks and then if it wont work i try something else. AS moisturizer i tried 3 (which one was Cetaphil moisturizing lotion) but they all stayed on my skin surface for ages, and it couldn't absorb. I guess because my oily skin. Now, I 've found one with Jojoba oil and alcohol working and absorbing quickly. I use Duac (it can't be it that makes me breakout) and i have really clean diet, dairy free, wheat free. SO it's very possible, imo that it was the cleanser. I tried two, one had small amount of salicylic acid and i guess it was too aggressive with Duac, and the second one had SOdium laureth SUlphate as 3rd ingredient (which is not recommended from guide). I cba to try a new one, so that's why I started this post, to know if water only was possible. Oh, i forgot i use acv too but its not the breakout cause because it improved my back acne. p.s i don't think my skin reacts 3 weeks later, if i mess my skin up it doesn't take more than 2-3 days to breakout, that's what i noticed.
