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I've Ruined My Life


Posted : 08/19/2015 2:42 am

The worst thing about picking your skin is just a few days ago your skin looked amazing. I hadn't picked for ages and then I relapsed and now I've given myself a permanent dented scar on my cheek


As I type this I can feel the stinging and throbbing of the wound on the side of my face. I want to jump out of the window I'm so hideous. I have insomnia and haven't left the house in days or spoken to anyone. I have less than a week to finish a work deadline and I haven't done any of it. I'm just in my room festering away.


This is the worst thing I've ever picked. It started as a large painful cyst and I squeezed. Then I just couldn't stop. It was like all the stress and shit I've been feeling just manifested itself in me destroying my face. I didn't think it was possible but I feel worse. I also have scabs on my chin and other side of face.


I'm having panic attacks at the thought of leaving the house. I want it to end.

Zurib19 liked

Posted : 08/19/2015 4:00 am

Well I've hoped you learned your lesson, don't pick.


Posted : 08/20/2015 12:32 am

I am so, so sorry. What you've described is exactly where I was a year ago. I had just started grad school, my acne was flaring, and I was just so stressed. I did't want to leave the house but I had to. I'd pick at my face because I was stressed and then feel even more stressed because I picked. Thankfully I am in a much better place now (even though I'm not completely clear and I still sometimes pick). Everything may seem out of control right now and like it will never get better, but you need to remember that it will. Can you maybe find someone to talk to? Practice relaxation techniques? Exercise? I had to up my dose of anxiety meds to get things in check (I also suffer from panic attacks). Not saying medication is the best option for everyone, but it is an option. I hope things start getting better very soon.


Posted : 08/20/2015 8:12 am

I am so, so sorry. What you've described is exactly where I was a year ago. I had just started grad school, my acne was flaring, and I was just so stressed. I did't want to leave the house but I had to. I'd pick at my face because I was stressed and then feel even more stressed because I picked. Thankfully I am in a much better place now (even though I'm not completely clear and I still sometimes pick). Everything may seem out of control right now and like it will never get better, but you need to remember that it will. Can you maybe find someone to talk to? Practice relaxation techniques? Exercise? I had to up my dose of anxiety meds to get things in check (I also suffer from panic attacks). Not saying medication is the best option for everyone, but it is an option. I hope things start getting better very soon.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 09/05/2015 6:54 am

Do you consume a lot of caffeine? If so, this might worsen your stress levels and make you more nervous and anxious (it does with me) and even though I don't pick anymore it does tempt me more when Im in that alert mode I tend to analyse myself more for some reason and I get an urge to do something to release those quick bursts of energy in one go because the energy isnt the good kind that gradually decreases but instead it pumps you up and then you crash.


Another thing that might help is cutting your nails very short if you dont already and putting concealer on when you get the urge to self-harm. Either put concealer on or an antibacterial cream or some blemish gel depending on condition of skin. Basically when you get the urge I want you to replace the the action with a positive one. Instead of channeling that energy into wounding yourself try and do something nice for your skin. Put more acne cream on.


Imagine it like your problematic skin being a relationship with a person you dislike. You know that conflict doesnt help it just makes matters worse for both of you.. you need to surprise the person (skin) by being kind to it and becoming friends with it even though it isnt perfect yet. You need to accept it. I hope you can take something out of this but these are just all the things that helped me through my worst acne period


Posted : 09/08/2015 1:51 pm

Cassie, after reading what you've posted, I just want to tell you that you're not alone. I can understand your pain because I myself have picked at my skin. Acne can really affect the lives of people in many different ways, especially psychologically. It really messes with our heads, and it sure messed with mine. I picked at my skin about 4 years ago and it a left a scar on my left cheek. I have never picked again after that. I still get acne and it still affects me, but I've learned to accept it more and more over these last couple of years. It's difficult, I won't lie to you, but I've made it my mission to not give up and to get out and face my fears. It's not easy, it might take time, and I completely understand that life is stressful. And acne doesn't make it any less stressful, but you're not alone. I made a mistake by picking too, but I slowly realized that having acne for years was a considerable factor in my life which led me to pick at my skin that one day...Please talk to any of your close family/friends if possible and you can always read up on here and post/reply here, it all helps. Please don't give up.

Cassie88 liked

Posted : 09/10/2015 1:46 am



Imagine it like your problematic skin being a relationship with a person you dislike. You know that conflict doesnt help it just makes matters worse for both of you.. you need to surprise the person (skin) by being kind to it and becoming friends with it even though it isnt perfect yet. You need to accept it. I hope you can take something out of this but these are just all the things that helped me through my worst acne period


Thats such a good way of looking at it, thanks so much! And yes both your methods have definitely helped. I was just at such a low point and have been there before many times, it makes you despair as you feel you're back to square one.


Cassie, after reading what you've posted, I just want to tell you that you're not alone. I can understand your pain because I myself have picked at my skin. Acne can really affect the lives of people in many different ways, especially psychologically. It really messes with our heads, and it sure messed with mine. I picked at my skin about 4 years ago and it a left a scar on my left cheek. I have never picked again after that. I still get acne and it still affects me, but I've learned to accept it more and more over these last couple of years. It's difficult, I won't lie to you, but I've made it my mission to not give up and to get out and face my fears. It's not easy, it might take time, and I completely understand that life is stressful. And acne doesn't make it any less stressful, but you're not alone. I made a mistake by picking too, but I slowly realized that having acne for years was a considerable factor in my life which led me to pick at my skin that one day...Please talk to any of your close family/friends if possible and you can always read up on here and post/reply here, it all helps. Please don't give up.


I have a scar on my cheek from this picking and as much as I hate to say it, it has actually made me too scared to pick again. Its like a reminder of the damage you do to your skin compared to what the acne does. Things have got better I just need to remind myself to take each day in turn rather than being completely overwhelmed by everything thats going to happen. Thanks so much for reply and glad you have got past this bastard of thing!


Posted : 09/13/2015 12:57 pm

Well i can really understand the psychological issues that acne can cause but cannot really relate to skin pickers since i was picking my skin a lot but once i decided not to do cus i saw the damage it did to my skin i just stopped and never did again for months now. What i am trying to say is just think about how negatively do you affect your skin and imagine how better can your skin become if you stop doing it. Hope i helped


Posted : 09/17/2015 2:10 pm

You can get Extra Virgin Olive Oil and put it on your scar twice daily. Once before sleep and once during the day, your mark will fade away with continuous use. Also be stress free as stress will cause more breakouts.


Posted : 09/18/2015 1:48 pm

I struggle with obsessive skin picking as well (not only acne, I pick the skin around my fingernails, too) I hate what I do to my own skin. If I just left my skin alone it would probably be beautiful instead of being a mess. Now I feel I have done too much damage and it's too late for me to have good skin again. I wish I could have a do over.
