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Lingering Localized Cystic Acne


Posted : 04/27/2015 4:14 pm

I have always had quite clear skin with a few pimples every month but about four months ago I developed a pimple on my left cheek. This took about two weeks to heal but it spread to about 5 more all very close together and deeper in my skin. After two months they eventually healed leaving a scab but one day I woke up and the scabs had turned back into deeper cystic acne. About a month ago I started an homeopathic treatment (mother tincture) which at first, made my whole face erupt with pimples (this is normal) and now my whole face is completely flawless apart from that one area that takes up about a quarter of my left cheek. Some days it seems completely gone when the next day it swells up again and is very painful. Any ideas on how to treat this as there is no pattern to the healing and that one area of acne hasn't gone away for four months?


Posted : 04/27/2015 11:53 pm

Hi, i feel your pain and frustration. I too am battling with a stubborn cyst. I have tried the castor oil/grape seed oil treatment, noticed some improvement to my overall skin appearance, but the cyst on my chin didn't change much. It was still red and inflamed after 6 weeks and nothing seemed to make any difference. I tried Tea Tree oil, crushed aspirin, baking soda, apple cider vinegar to no avail. I was about to see a dermatologist and ask for a cortisone injection to get rid of it, when i tried organic cinnamon powder mixed with manuka honey. Finally i started to see some results. I apply this paste on the cyst in the evening, leave it for 30 minutes, then wash and cover with aloe vera (from the plant on my balcony) In the morning i re-apply aloe vera.

In the last two days my cyst has been nearly reabsorbed, and the resulting scab is not so unsightly when i cover it with concealer. I keep dabbing it with aloe vera to speed up the healing. I don't know whether it was the cinnamon and honey paste or the fresh aloe vera that did the trick, but no harm in trying both and see if they work for you. Just make sure that cinnamon is organic, as the cheaper versions of this spice may contain very little cinnamon, use good quality honey for the same reason.


Posted : 04/28/2015 9:14 pm

Yep. I have a cluster of cysts that literally never disappear completely, even with meds. They go through periods where they die down a bit but never totally disappear. It's a pain
