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How Paleo Cured My Cystic Acne After 14 Years Of Suffering


Posted : 03/28/2015 10:48 am

Hi guys! Im a long time lurker of this forum because I just came looking for answers; I didnt see the point of posting anything until now. I did it, I finally did it! I found a cure that worked for me and If I can help just one more person I would be the happiest man alive because I know what its like to suffer, to slowly lost hope and knowing that with each day a new pimple or cyst comes out of nowhere and a piece of your self-esteem gets chipped away. I cured it with my DIET specifically the Paleo diet. Raw organic food only, that means only stuff hunter/gatherers would eat. Look at our obesity and acne sufferer rates in North America compared to other parts of the world, its the food. Enough said.


Im a 26 year old male whos had disfiguring cystic acne since grade 8. These suckers were so big I could feel my pulse in them. They were large pus filled sacs deep underneath the skin and NEVER come to a head and they hurt enough to make me tear up. They changed the shape of my face and stay for months, and when they leave, they leave a reminder as a pigment scar. They hurt me both physically and emotionally for 13+ years They sucked.

My Treatments

Ive tried everythingEVERYTHING. You name it Ive tried it. From OTC topical creams like salicylic acids to benzoyle peroxide, holistic natural remedies like apple cider vinegar (both internally and externally) and tea tree oil, all the way to antibiotics that my dermatologist prescribed like tetracycline and finallyThe coveted Accutane. The only thing that worked was the Accutane, but after 2 cycles and 2 years off of it, I still wasnt clear and the acne came back with a vengeance.

My Cure

Again, I know that acne is a fickle monster with many underlying issues and this will not work for everyone. But it worked for me. Doctors say that there is inconclusive evidence that diet is linked to acne, but if you look at the studies theyve made, you can clearly see that these studies are a joke with small focus groups due to lack of real funding. Im an econ student who studied advance statistical analysis I should know.

Anyways, I knew it was internal, I knew that no amount of topical cream is even going to come close to scratching the surface of any of my cysts let alone prevent them. My body was inflamed and unhealthy and acne was its way of telling me. I started the Paleo diet TO THE T and within 2 weeks my cysts were no longer inflamed and OMG for the first time in forever I woke up to a face with no new zits. And existing ones are healing. 1 month into my change in diet and Im clear. I use Dans treatment to take care of the surface stuff but the most important thing is my diet, I fixed my problem internally.

Just google Paleo Diet and give it a shot. Im finally free after so many years and I hope you can be too. Good Luck beautiful people, if you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask.


Posted : 03/28/2015 6:14 pm

Congrats on finding your clear-skin solution! :)

Wish you continued success!!


Posted : 03/28/2015 11:03 pm

Congratulations! Would you mind posting what you eat in a typical day? Thanks.


Posted : 04/06/2015 10:56 am

Its nice to hear other people finding the link between their skin issues and gut issues. I have already determined that this is a problem for me.. Two years ago i started the paleo diet slowly... getting rid of dairy cleared my body acne, then getting rid of grains stopped my cysts from popping up, and finally no sugar meant no little bumps and white heads. These changes also helped with my mood problems. Unfortunately after about 6 months of staying clean i fell back into my old habits and my acne came back worse than ever. My depression feeds my addiction to foods i know are bad for me and it's so hard to come out of. I know i need to change and i'm hoping I can get back into it. I know i need to just get through those first few weeks to get past my cravings...

So happy to hear that the change in diet is working for you, there's nothing like feeling good in your skin again.


Posted : 04/12/2015 8:46 pm

This is awesome, good for you! I also become skeptical when doctors say that diet has very little to do with breakouts. Dairy is my worst enemy. I am on Accutane now and hopefully it will clear me up for life. I'm curious to know what a typical day of Paleo dieting consists of, if you don't mind sharing?


Posted : 04/23/2015 10:27 pm

I tried the paleo diet. It was so tough for me! I don't think I was getting all of my vitamins and nutrients. I think it was my 3rd day on the diet that I almost passed out while driving. :o
