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Ortho Tri + Spiro Vs. Diane 35?


Posted : 03/03/2015 7:51 am

Hello everyone,

New to this site, but hoping someone out there might be able to give some advice! I'm 29, and I've suffered from bad acne since I can remember. I went on Ortho Tri-Cyclen and it cleared up beautifully. I started breaking out again at 26, and my dermatologist in San Francisco prescribed Spiro on top of the OTC. I'm not a fan of drugs in general, but Spiro has been such a miracle drug for me. My skin is clearer than it's ever been, and the diuretic component helped me shed the few pounds that OTC added.

I've gone off Sprio for brief periods when I haven't been able to get refills (traveling, etc.) and each time my breakouts start to come back slowly but surely. I've kept myself on ~75 mg pretty consistently.

Anyway, I'm living in France with my fiance now. I went to see my doctor yesterday and she refuses to refill my Spiro prescription since hormonal acne is an off-label usage. She suggested I trade in the Ortho Tri Cyclen + Sprio for Diane 35, under the reasoning that just taking Diane 35 will be less toxic than both OTC + Spiro.

I'm hesitant, since I've experienced hardly any side effects to Ortho or Spiro. It feels like Diane would just mess with everything, no? Or is this a wise transition?

Should I order the Spiro online to get me through the next 3 months, then check up with a U.S. Dermatologist when I'm home in June?

Also, how long do you think it's safe to stay on Spiro? I want to get off eventually and figure this all out with diet + regimen, but I just can't afford to be breaking out right now!




Posted : 03/03/2015 11:16 am

I'm just going by thread here but both OTC and Diane 35 are listed as being birth control pills that are lower in androgenic properties so theoretically I don't see it making too much of a difference switching from OTC to Diane 35, it could help a little though because Diane 35 is a monophasic pill I'm fairly certain which generally speaking are better for treating acne but you could always just try switching from Ortho Tri Cyclen to Ortho Cyclen instead if you want to try some sort of monophasic pill. Also I can't personally detest to it but I've heard of people on here having good results from taking saw palmetto for hormonal acne as I'm fairly certain it can be used as an anti androgen, you might want to give that a shot if you run out of your Spiro.


Posted : 03/04/2015 3:14 pm

It sounds like you may have hormonal acne as most women do. I am on Spiro and was recently on Spiro + Yas. I would throw a hissy fit. My derm was the first person to prescribe this to me, but she really had no experience. My endocrinologist now prescibes it for me as it is a treatment for PCOS. Perhaps you can try that route? I feel for you and hope you can find a solution. There may be another physician in the area that would be open if you bring your current Rx, perhaps have your Dr in San Fran write a note? It is off label use in the US as well, but more mainstream for PCOS sufferers. I wish you the best.
