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Thyroid And Acne


Posted : 11/21/2014 12:46 pm

I went to a doctor for a problem with my heart. The combo of irregular heart beat and acne has them thinking my thyroid may be failing. They are doing some blood work to see if it is my thyroid. I'm wondering if anyone has had acne associated with thyroid problems.

Having acne for 10 years now has been absolutely terrible but I can't express through typing how terrifying it is have your heart skipping beats a couple of times an hour. Getting rid of my acne has become a side project now but I would still be interested in hearing any experience people have had with thyroid/acne problems.


Posted : 11/21/2014 1:11 pm

Hey TwoSteps,

I can only speak from my experience with thyroid and that is I had an overactive thyroid a couple years back which required medication (thyroid issue has since resolved) but did not notice any skin changes during that time. It is scary though having heart arrhythmia...I'd get the sweats, shortness of breath, feeling faint...I'd think OMG am I having a heart attack?? I had to watch the caffeine and other stimulants as this would trigger arrhythmia. But I took meds for it, went to my endocrinologist regularly for checkups and bloodwork, got a clean bill of health about 6 months later. They do continue to monitor my thyroid cysts for any change.

Hang in there...thyroid issues are scary for's a tiny gland but regulates our heart beat and other vital functions. Let us know how you do. :)


Posted : 11/24/2014 6:12 am

Ello :)


I for one have hypothyroidism disease. My hormones are extremely out of whack. Which of course, causes me to break out horribly. Ever since I was 13 I have seen countless doctors and skin specialists for my severe cystic acne. Not a single one could help me. When I turned 16 I started in with irregular heart beats and horrible migraines to where I'd black out. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid. I started taking a hormone replacement as prescribed (levothyroxine). But that just wasn't enough for me. (Well I personally thought so, the test came back normal, yet I still saw no improvement in overall health) I did my own research after so many years of frustration! My conclusion is I needed more vitamins and a little extra boost for my hormones. I started taking fish oil (which helps the heart and may help inflammation of the skin), hair skin and nail vitamins, vitamin a & e, and vitex for my hormones. I then requested my doctor to switch me to armour, which is a non synthetic hormone replacement. I swear to you my face cleared up dramatically. Better than anything any doctor did for me. I am now just suffering from ice pick scars and huge pores. Of course a mild inflammation from the usual mother nature. But nothing like the cyst I had before.


Hopefully me having a relatable problem like you helps you in the future! And good luck with everything!
