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Derma Roller


Posted : 10/16/2014 11:05 pm

Hi guys I just tried my derma roller for the first time. I just have a few questions. I know I don't have to use it very frequent, but how exactly long should I wait until I use it again? I am not sure if I am applying enough pressure. I broke the skin in some places (forehead, cheek) and can literally hear/feel the needles piercing my skin, but am I pressing to lightly? It was painful for sure haha. I am aware this can take up to 8-9 months to really have effect so I am looking to make optimal use of this product and use it precisely the right amount of times.


Posted : 10/19/2014 9:19 am

Use the dermaroller every 8 weeks,the longer between treatments the better.

Hearing the needles piercing the skin will be the popping sound of the needles breaking the scar tissue up.


Posted : 10/20/2014 2:56 pm

Popping is scar tissue being broken, yes.

1.5mm can be used every 3-4 weeks. Use medium pressure, don't press too hard. It's pretty hard to tell you exactly what thats like since it's so subjective.


Posted : 10/21/2014 9:05 am

Use the dermaroller every 8 weeks,the longer between treatments the better.

Hearring the needles piercing the skin will be the popping sound of the needles breaking the scar tissue up.

Popping is scar tissue being broken, yes.

1.5mm can be used every 3-4 weeks. Use medium pressure, don't press too hard. It's pretty hard to tell you exactly what thats like since it's so subjective.

I appreciate the input, guys. This is sort of my problem...some people say once a month, some say double. Just want to get the correct information here.


Posted : 10/22/2014 2:51 pm

Once every 8 weeks,no sooner.


Posted : 10/25/2014 10:37 am

Once every 8 weeks,no sooner.

Simply untrue. It is safe to use a 1.5mm every 3-4 weeks.

Here are 2 studies that have used the same spacing, and I've read many more;jsessionid=EE2D1A9F53B6D5DAF3208607F1E0DA4D.f02t02?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false


Posted : 10/25/2014 4:37 pm

In the link,it states in this paragraph.

The formation of new collagen reaches its peak in about 12 weeks after treatment.The complete results are visible after 32 weeks from the last session of treatment.Clinical results vary between patients,but all patients achieve some improvements [53].

In the next paragraph,it states.

The number of treatments required depends on the individual collagen response and on the desired results. Most patients require 3-4 treatments approximately every 4 weeks.

If collagen takes 12 weeks to reach its peak then you have a chance of damaging the new collagen bc collagen is very fragile.

I have had Dermaroller treatments many times over a number of years.I have also seen better results (i have had over 50% improvement in my scars) if i leave the treatment longer that 8 week,which i state.

Btw Nope,have you ever had this dermaroller treatment done?


Posted : 10/25/2014 5:43 pm

In the link,it states in this paragraph.

The formation of new collagen reaches its peak in about 12 weeks after treatment.The complete results are visible after 32 weeks from the last session of treatment.Clinical results vary between patients,but all patients achieve some improvements [53].

In the next paragraph,it states.

The number of treatments required depends on the individual collagen response and on the desired results. Most patients require 3-4 treatments approximately every 4 weeks.

If collagen takes 12 weeks to reach its peak then you have a chance of damaging the new collagen bc collagen is very fragile.

I have had Dermaroller treatments many times over a number of years.I have also seen better results (i have had over 50% improvement in my scars) if i leave the treatment longer that 8 week,which i state.

Btw Nope,have you ever had this dermaroller treatment done?

I've stamped for over a year. I am very satisfied with my results.

Once every 3-4 weeks is fine. I cbf to calculate the chance of you needling the EXACT same channels as you did last time, when needling at the recommended density of 250 pricks per cm^2, but it isn't high enough to warrant waiting 8 weeks.

If anyone wants to calculate that, the diameter of dermastamp/roller needles is 0.25mm
