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Spironolactone And Breast Growth


Posted : 09/21/2014 9:22 am

I have been on sprio for over a year. During that year, I have increased almost 2 cup sizes. While I have also gained some weight (which, for the first time in my life, is now settling around my waist instead of my thighs), it is not enough to make the cup increase to be expected. It seems like it could be a likely side effect of spiro.

So my question is: if I stop with spiro, will they shrink down? Or is just how things are?


Posted : 09/22/2014 11:53 pm

The cup size increase and weight gain are related to the increase in estrogen from spiro. I found that if I made sure to take both my daily doses before 3pm that I dropped the few pounds I had gained on spiro. But yes, if you lose the tummy weight the cup size is going to decrease too.
