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I Want This Pimple To Reduce In Size By Sunday! Help!


Posted : 08/15/2014 1:23 pm

Okay so my bridal shower is Sunday and of course I am pmsing early and breaking out. There's this one pimple that is forming in the inner side of my right cheek. It isn't going to come to a head and its been there since Monday. I know its a deep one and will take a while to go away. Any ideas on how to reduce the size or swelling of it by Sunday?

I have tea tree oil and I have tried apple cider vinegar. All they do is dry my skin up. Any ideas please??????


Posted : 08/15/2014 2:29 pm

I would say a solution to your problem would be to try some quick home remedies maybe like ice, or even a little whitening toothpaste (not too much), Benzoyl Peroxide which is usually in alot of skin products targeted at acne.

As for before sunday. Its possible I would try benzoyl peroxide it works really fast when applied correctly.

As for your wedding good luck to you and even if you have the pimple still dont let it ruin the greatest day of your life!

Have a great wedding! May you have eternal happiness ^__^


Posted : 08/15/2014 2:33 pm

And I just noticed you said it hasnt come to head. these suckers usually tend to go away on there own but just take time..

You could always use a warm compress like a hot towel on the spot. Heat usually encourages lesions and under skilled bumps to come to a head which you could treat with a topical like benzoyl peroxide!

Of course with only a few days left. id try an antibiotic cream or something to reduce swelling/size. if its still forming benzoyl peroxide and many topicals may not be the best choice for treating it. sometimes you just gotta wait it out even if you need it gone... Just please dont push it.. You will then know the definition of swelling and nodular like!


Posted : 08/15/2014 4:10 pm

Go to a dermatologist for a cortisone shot. They are typically pretty cheap (relatively speaking), even with no insurance. Many dermatologists or dermatology PA's will bring you in for an emergency shot, especially if you tell them you have a big engagement to attend. This will be the only thing that will dramatically reduce the size of your pimple by Sunday. It won't do anything about redness, however (there is not much that will reduce that, unfortunately).


Posted : 08/15/2014 8:17 pm

I think ice may help reduce any swelling... and I've heard Visine can help reduce redness in pimples.


Posted : 08/15/2014 8:35 pm

This is the BEST thing I found for cysts- Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion. SO GOOD! I even have it right now in case if I have any breakouts. I love that stuff...not cheap, but lasts long.

Another things you can ICE CUBE. SO you just take an ice cube and kinda do cold compress on the spots.


Posted : 08/19/2014 9:31 am

I have tried the ice, hot compress, and bp and all it did was bring the little sucker closer to the surface. Which is good. I have tried the buffering lotion before and it was great I just haven't bought it again. Soo Sunday came around and it was still there. it is still there now but i just made an appointment to have a cortisone injection if needed a few days before my wedding. So that makes me feel a lot better! Almost two months to go and now i just gotta stop picking!!


Posted : 08/19/2014 1:43 pm

definitely dont pick because that will cause more scarring if though its gonna scar after anywas but the healing is better if you pick at it
