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I Need A Diet Plan!


Posted : 05/04/2014 6:08 am

Hey all,

Been following the diet and holistic forum for quite awhile now and thoroughly convinced that healing from the inside is the way to go. I would like to follow a diet plan but don't know how to create one due to a lack of knowledge in food and what it contains and all that good stuff.

As a background, here's what I know about myself and acne:

- Oily food such as korean bbq, any thing junk food will result in a severe breakout

- chilli makes me break out

- heat/summer time makes me break out

- skin is relatively under control during the colder seasons

- I can drink milk and not break out

- I have taken zinc over a course of 2 months with no affects

- Tried proactive in the past with no improvements

- trailing fish oil tablets at the moment (will let you know the progress after a month)

Can anyone identify any patterns or recommend a diet plan for me to approach this acne problem. Thanks!


Posted : 05/04/2014 9:04 am

ahhh well being an individual with a list of food intolerances (dairy,soy,peanuts,oats,yeast,bananas,apples, tomatos and all citrus fruits etc) - i have had to restrict what i consume. A year and a half ago i visited an allergist because i noticed i would get itchy after eatting certain things, or in some cases get really sick(not throwing you get the point) So i went to an allergist and she told me exactly what my body doesn't react to. i also react to anything with bad fats, too much sugar, or too much salt.

But this can turn into a long post so i will get to the point- I eat very plainly- well... kind of. Im at college for instanc, e- and when ever im walking around in our eatery to decide what i eat- i have to ask myself *where did it come from, and what is it made of*- so theres a section of the eatery that is specifically grilled foods.... bascially fast food (fries, burgers, you get the point) ive never actually have ate anything from there because its high in fat and salt. Theres also a homecooked section (meaning things your mom would cook you) - like pasta, meatloaf, cooked veggies, mac n cheese. Half of this stuff i cant have- the macncheese i cant because of the dairy, and half the time they only have alfredo sauce, and also tomato sauce or anything with special spices or seasonings. I remember last week they had out pasta, and sweet corn and i decided to mix the two and it turned out to be very good- very plain, but i enjoyed it. But usually where i get my meals from it the sandwitches and flatbread section of the eatery. So i can customize what i want on my paneni or flatbread. Usually i get plain chicken, lots of lettuce, and cucumbers and get it grilled/pressed. i find that even though its a sandwitch- having it grilled/pressed makes it more of a meal because its warm.

idk i kind of rambled- but good luck!

also check out this website- i use it on occasion for food tings


Posted : 05/04/2014 10:20 am

cut all gluten and high glycemic index foods.


Posted : 05/05/2014 7:13 pm

I highly doubt that if you have acne, drinking milk does not affect it. I have had long lapses between the time at which I ate something and the time that I broke out from it. It can be difficult to connect the dots with 2-3 even 5-7 days between the offending food and the acne. If you are breaking out when you sweat or get hot, your skin is purging. Avoid all high glycemic index foods. That means milk, sugar, processed grains (like cereal), and anything in a package or packet. Making your own food from whole ingredients makes it easier to nail down what you're sensitive to. It's almost impossible to figure out food sensitivities when you're eating processed food with hundreds of ingredients. I would not avoid fats in food necessarily, but do avoid things that are fried (they are usually fried in hydrogenated fats), and avoid all processed oils. Good fats include avocado oils, olive oil, organic (preferably grassfed) butter, and fat from pastured meats and fish. Including these kinds of fats is essential to the health of your skin. Though I normally eschew supplements, I highly recommend that you take several borage oil capsules every day. The type of fatty acid in borage oil is very good for skin, and especially helpful with acne prone skin. In addition, I recommend vegetable juice. Please refer to my signature for deets.


Posted : 05/08/2014 6:16 am

dscully - While I'm confident that milk does not break me out, I will take your advice and cut it out of my diet as an experiment in that off chance that it's a delay in my acne breakout. But just so you know on my road to recovery after a major breakout - my diet consist of cereal, home made dinners usually chicken, rice and vegetables made by my parents and subway sandwiches keep my acne in check.

Just checked ur sig - I'm also keen on buying a mixer and start mixing my own stuff. Is there any other mixes that have a more "fun" favour. urs is so veggie focused I can't see myself stomaching that on a daily basis. congratz on staying clear on ur big wedding day - have u stayed clear ever since?

avada - I can completely relate. It sucks having to be mindful of everything u eat and fear that if u eat the wrong thing then an acne storm is destined to pass over ur face.

So when u guys say cut out gluten and high GI foods - what exactly should I stick to?


Posted : 05/09/2014 11:28 am

dscully - While I'm confident that milk does not break me out, I will take your advice and cut it out of my diet as an experiment in that off chance that it's a delay in my acne breakout. But just so you know on my road to recovery after a major breakout - my diet consist of cereal, home made dinners usually chicken, rice and vegetables made by my parents and subway sandwiches keep my acne in check.

Just checked ur sig - I'm also keen on buying a mixer and start mixing my own stuff. Is there any other mixes that have a more "fun" favour. urs is so veggie focused I can't see myself stomaching that on a daily basis. congratz on staying clear on ur big wedding day - have u stayed clear ever since?

avada - I can completely relate. It sucks having to be mindful of everything u eat and fear that if u eat the wrong thing then an acne storm is destined to pass over ur face.

So when u guys say cut out gluten and high GI foods - what exactly should I stick to?

Food is not supposed to be fun. Food is fuel and nutrition for your body. That said, carrot juice has a very sweet flavor. If you need it to be more fruity, try adding a green apple, but adding more than that would defeat the purpose which is to ingest lots of vegetables and avoid excess sugar which causes acne (even from fruit).


If your diet includes cereal, subway sandwiches, and rice and other grains, it sounds like you're eating a lot of carbohydrate which is probably your problem to begin with. Cereal isn't really that great for you, and neither is bread. These kinds of carbs hit your bloodstream like a truck, causing rapid insulin spikes and acne. Rice is okay occasionally, but I would avoid it until acne improves. I was extreme low-carb for over a month before I started adding slow-burning carbs back in. I still avoid sugar, bread, milk, and processed grains like pasta. I occasionally indulge in a dessert because my insulin resistance and acne is under control. Think of acne like diabetes of the skin and eat accordingly.


Posted : 05/14/2014 2:57 pm

Diet is good as long as you can handle it. Better is complete and constant reconfiguration of food planing. And we should restrict ourselves to not visiting places like McDonalds and Co, as all the maximum artificial food and add-on is what definitely stimulated allergies as well as acne and even atopic dermatitis outbreaks. At least that's my opinion.


Posted : 08/14/2015 3:27 pm

Please take it easy on yourself, because food should be fun and it should taste good. I love people on here who are so restrictive that they are probably bitter and angry because they can't enjoy anything anymore because everything should be "optimal" for their health. ("food should not taste good it should be for nutrition," "exercise should not feel good it should be for your health" "going outside and being active is not primarily for enjoyment but for health and vitamin D" the end result is that we are not living for enjoyment but for health? But why should we be healthy and alive if we're not enjoying our lives?) I went to a new doctor today and I told her about the crazy diets I have been through, and how I eat now (unprocessed, organic, grassfed, no sugar, grains etc). I told her that I get scared of food because there is so much controversy over what is healthy and what is not. I just got up the courage to eat chocolate (+70%, organic though). She looked at me like I was crazy, and I fucking agree. My god it has gone too fucking far. I don't even have acne anymore, yet I am terrified that eating something that isn't optimal will make it come back. This stuff we're doing is making us fucking crazy.


Just FYI, you cannot actually break out in a week after eating something. It takes 2+ months for acne to form. However, inflammation can cause clogged pores (acne that has begun to form) to become a pimple. This phenomenon will make you think that that inflammation (possibly because of stress or shitty food) is the actual cause of the pimple, when it is just involved in the last stage of the pimple. WHAT THIS MEANS: food does not cause acne, but it could possible make it worse because of its involvement in inflammation. Yes this means that your clogged pores are not because you ate cheese last night. What this also means is that food will not prevent acne, or not in the way you think. HOWEVER, food can (when it is super unhealthy and deficient in several vitamins and minerals) along with internal long-term stress raise havoc on your hormones and body = ACNE. (People will eating disorders etc often get acne after awhile if they have the genetics for it). BUT, it will take 3+ months for you to see any real affects. The primary goal is to get enough minerals and vitamins in your diet that you have been missing, this means a ton of healthy shit. Juice veggies, eat raw dairy, soak grains before you eat them, eat organic etc. Check out Weston Price diet, just follow it a little bit loosely adding veggies juices. Eat good stuff too though, some chocolate. It is what goes in and not what you take out from your diet. Do some exercise and mediation. After three months if nothing happens it is not YOUR fault, and the environment you are living in just does not cope well with your skin and you should seek professional help from a derm.


Posted : 08/16/2015 8:22 pm

Paleo diet. Include fermented dairy. I would recommend the site Mark's Daily Apple for information. Most people go paleo for weight loss, but it's also very useful for correcting inflammatory disorders such as acne.


Posted : 08/17/2015 10:10 am

Try getting more fresh fruits, vegetables and fish into your diet. The fruits and vegetables have many beneficial nutrients while the fish oils are good because of the omega-3. It sounds like maybe you have a sensitivity to spicy food. If you've never tried probiotics I think you should give it a try. You can try the store bought capsules, but if you want to really benefit from probiotics the best method available is to ferment your own. Sauerkraut is very easy to make all you need is sea salt, cabbage, jar to the store the sauerkraut and patience to let the fermentation process happen. It's often overlooked but try and drink 8-10 glasses of water each day. It will help flush the toxins from your body and definately do notwait until you get thirsty before drinking. Lastly, try cutting down on the fried foods as good as it may taste it's bad because it doesn't provide any benefits for the body.


Posted : 08/25/2015 11:50 am

Focus on real foods. Real, whole foods. Do you take any vitamins???
