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Spironolactone & Blood Work


Posted : 03/12/2014 12:13 pm

Hi everyone,

I've just been prescribed to start spiro and my doctor has me taking multiple blood tests. I've done some research on here and other sites and don't see that anyone else is having this done? She said that my potassium levels could get too high so I have to go weekly for a few weeks to have blood work done then go bi weekly and then a month later. Has anyone else had to do this or dealt with higher than normal potassium b/c of spiro?


Posted : 03/12/2014 2:41 pm

It seems a little extreme to get weekly blood tests (although better safe than sorry, I suppose). Do you have a history of kidney disease or high potassium? If so, this could by why she wants to be extra careful. When I was on spironalactone (125mg a day) I had tri-monthly blood tests which always came back completely normal.


Posted : 04/23/2014 1:14 pm

Ive been on Spiro for 6 months now and just had blood work done yesterday for the first time to check my potassium. The doctor called me today and said that my potassium was normal. He did mention that its very rare for Spiro to give you high potassium and he just wants to check every 6 months to be on the safe side. I wouldn't worry too much about it :)
