My Story


Posted : 03/07/2014 10:23 pm


Hi all,


This is my story.


I'm a 23 year old male, I still have acne, and I've had issues with my acne ever since 6th grade. My acne is also one my greatest weakness, such a powerful weakness it has controlled my growth and development for years, probably ever since 6th grade. Yet it isn't really my acne that is my greatest weakness, it is my self control to not 'pick' at my acne, which of course always makes the situation worse, leaves scabes, marks, and eventually scares. I've also tryed almost every acne product that ever exsisted, and although sometimes they help, nothing is ever consistent, and sometimes they even make it worse. Of course, through all of this, I have learned that abstinence from picking and even washing is the answer for my skin, but I constantly fail and subconsciously pick, no matter how motivated I was before. It's a habbit, in short, and I need to create a counter against it I'm still trying to discover. I will make an ongoing log below to give you a perspective into my life and my weaknesses. I hope myself and others will benifit from this, as maybe the answer is strength in weakness, and starting is also stopping.


Posted : 03/07/2014 10:38 pm

well awareness is the first step, so you've taken the biggest one!

why not do the old rubber band trick on the wrist, when you feel the urge to pick, whack your wrist and do something else, take a walk, clean the house or the car, do something positive...keep busy, idle hands and minds really are the devils workshop

but good for you, you want to make a change, that really is a good start

we are rooting for you!
