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Studies On Lack Of Acne In Certain Tribes


Posted : 01/04/2014 12:20 pm

- I know this may belong in holistic stuff but, a.) pretty sure most people there are embedded in their beliefs to the point where discussion would be impossible, b.) probably would not get as many views/responses.

So... in my opinion, these studies are absolutely RIDICULOUS. At least in the way people apply them to their logic on this forum.

First of all, diet is not the sole variable in the mix. There are literally countless variables leading to countless traits at work. Diet is one of many, many, many factors in play. Environmental concern are just one angle. Genetics are another. These are isolated groups of people who have not had -- as far as we know -- recent genetic "mixing". Just because a couple tribes of people on planet earth are acne free does not conclude that any and ALL tribes that are on or once have been in existence on planet earth, under the EXACT SAME hypothetical environmental circumstances, could not or did not have acne or a whole host of other traits at this or one time.

That being said, I would like to see some HARD PROOF of the diet/acne connection. I have not seen it. I am not saying it is not connected. The research seems to suggest that insulin spikes can contribute to inflammatory responses, leading to acne in prone individuals. However, it seems that the holistic fans on this website misconstrue that as "western diet = acne" or "western lifestyle = acne" ... Uhm... No. All that means is that it is POSSIBLE that an inflammatory and/or hormonal response to a variable in your environment has triggered your body to respond in a way in which ONE OF the resulting factors is acne. Diet NOT being the cause, but your RESPONSE being the cause. Diet does not then = acne, the response = acne and should be targeted as the cause and discussed in a way to treat the RESPONSE.

I am not saying that you should not eat healthy, I do. You should too. I am not saying you should not care about what goes into your body or tailor your lifestyle to be "holistic" in nature and enjoyable... I would just like come clarity on the issue. If someone has the research that shows "Western" has ANYTHING to do with acne, please show it to me. Also, someone define "Western diet" to me please? Considering all the nutritional and lifestyle possibilities available to a non-impoverished "Western" human being, there could, literally, be no such thing as "The Western Diet" or "Lifestyle"


Posted : 01/04/2014 4:36 pm

Diet did not help me. Went on the paleo diet. I had no gluten or added sugar for 3 months straight, my acne actually got worse and I dropped down to 140 pounds at 6 feet.
