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Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Heal Acne


Posted : 12/20/2013 11:25 pm


I've been doing a lot of research on acne and diet. This came after using Differin cream on my skin. Differin works by reducing pimple inflammation and stopping breakouts by disinflamming them before they grow. I thought well is there foods that are anti-inflammatory?

I then learned that most diseases from heart disease, diabetes, periodontitis, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and even some cancers are caused by inflammation.

What happens is your immune system causes the inflammation in response to help you. But when the inflammation doesn't stop it causes health issues and the diseases mentioned above. After doing research on anti-inflammatory foods I found a list of anti-inflammatory foods scientist have studied with successful results in curing, preventing diseases, and accelerating the healing process.

Anyone looking for a change in diet I recommend giving it a try. This is something I myself will be personally incorporating into my daily meals and snack. Not only does it seem to have potential to heal acne but help prevent every other disease caused by inflammation.

For more detail information on this subject I recommend googling "diseases caused by inflammation."

Here is the anti-inflammatory foods list:

Oily fish salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines cooked in healthy ways.

Consuming most of your grains as whole grains, brown rice and bulgur wheat.

Dark green veggies, such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and collard greens.

Eating Curry and ginger, and turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory.

Eat more beans, winter squashes, and sweet potatoes.

Include in your diet avocados and nuts, especially walnuts, cashews, almonds, and nut butters made from these nuts.

Hemp seeds and flaxseeds

Eat berries red raspberry

Soy milk, tofu, and edamame (boiled soybeans)

Low-fat dairy

Bell peppers


Beets (and beetroot juice)

Garlic and onions

Olive oil extra-virgin

Tart cherries and Tart cherries juice 1.5 cups of tart cherries, or drinking 1 cup of tart cherry juice, a day to see similar benefits




Posted : 12/20/2013 11:40 pm

Actually it's just about every plant food, herb, tea or spice that isn't a seed and you don't have an intolerance for. Plus any high omega 3 animal product such a the fatty wild caught fish.


Most seeds are mildly to very inflammatory. Even walnuts with all their omega 3 EFAs are moderately inflammatory.


You have many bad things on that list. Soy for example. Avoid unfermented soy. Low fat dairy. Tomatoes are nightshades and are mildly inflammatory. Its also extremely common to be intolerant to nightshades and if you are, ypthey are even more inflammatory for you. Whole grains tend to be even more inflammatory than refined grains. But some are better than others. oats being fairly benign while wheat is quite bad harmful.


But You are right that you want an anti-inflammatory diet though for health and acne. You can look up inflammation data for each food on


While increasing the very anti inflammatory plant foods, you should also avoid the most inflammatory foods which are sugar/high glycemic foods, hydrogenated & trans fats (crisco, margarine, fried foods, Vegetable oil or other PUFA oil), and anything you have an intolerance for. limit other high omega 6 EFA sources such as those whole grains you mentioned above.


Posted : 12/20/2013 11:52 pm

Thank you for your input. That's a interesting site, will check it out.


Posted : 12/21/2013 12:07 am

Thanks for that Site, Alternativista

I enjoy the reading in to a lot of your posts and the direction you've taken regarding your health and eating habits. Very informative and helpful.



Posted : 12/22/2013 7:29 pm

i used to eat all those foods you have listed, still broke out with cysts consistently. once i started to eat cactus daily my acne was completly gone. I eat pizza,chips, junk food now, just to experiment, zero acne.

somebody needs to do some serious research on this plant.


Posted : 12/23/2013 9:51 am

i used to eat all those foods you have listed, still broke out with cysts consistently. once i started to eat cactus daily my acne was completly gone. I eat pizza,chips, junk food now, just to experiment, zero acne.

somebody needs to do some serious research on this plant.

Serious research has been done on it and other mucilagenous plant foods like okra, aloe, chia, malabsorption spinach, purslane, etc. plant micin is made of the same stuff that your mucosal that lines your digestive tract, nasal passages, etc. also aids in blood sugar metabolism.
