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Spirolactone (100 Mg) Log


Posted : 12/10/2013 4:56 pm

Sorry if this is long-winded. I guess writing this is cathartic for me.

I've been struggling with moderate-severe acne for five years now. I've tried antibiotics and a slew of topical creams. Topicals like clindamycin and retin-A have helped me. Acne once covered my entire face, but Retin-A reduced its severity so that, with makeup, I can leave the house without being too self-conscious about active cysts and red marks. When I think back to how bad my acne was two years ago, I remind myself to be grateful that my acne is at a point where I can try to hide it with makeup.

I still have acne though. When my face is "clear", relatively speaking, I have a network of red marks from old outbreaks on my forehead, cheeks, and chin, and 4-5 little cysts in my neck and jaw on my right side.

I suspect my acne is hormonal, but I didn't want to take birth control before trying prescription topicals because I have a weird attitude towards drugs, I guess, and didn't like the idea that I would be dependent on it and that my acne could get really bad again if I stopped taking it. I was also nervous about side effects. I was recommended Spirolactone by a dermatologist last year, but decided that I was happy enough with my skin at the time (cysts in jaw/neck and rest of face usually clear) that I didn't want to take Spiro.

Over a year later, with new cystic flare ups and nodules in the center of my forehead, I'm willing to try Spiro, despite my reluctance to be on an oral prescription medication for a long time. If it can actually help clear my skin and make it so that I could leave the house without makeup, it's worth the chance.

I'm taking 100 Mg of spirolactone in the evening and using Aczone 5% gel. This is day 2, so no progress or side effects so far, but I'll be updating, probably once a week.


Posted : 12/11/2013 12:04 pm

Day three for me with Spiro. I was taking it before bed since it can cause drowsiness and I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone, but re-reading the Rx info and I found out that I should probably be taking my pill in the morning, or a least before 6 p.m. It's a diuretic and I've had to get up to go pee in the middle of the night, which doesn't usually happen, and probably won't happen if I take it in the morning.

Otherwise, I've had a little dizziness so far, I can feel the blood rushing to head when I stand up suddenly, but it's nothing too bad and hopefully this'll improve (along with my skin) as my body gets used to the drug.


Posted : 12/11/2013 1:50 pm

I wish you luck and hope it will help you as great as it helped me. Be prepared for a worsening of your skin for the first weeks, and that beneficial effects often take 4-6 months to show. So don't give up and look forward to summer:)


Posted : 12/13/2013 10:06 am

Thanks for the encouraging words! I'm glad that Spiro has worked so well for you. I'll do my best to be patient, haha.


Posted : 12/15/2013 5:22 pm

Today is the sixth day I've been taking Spiro.

The cysts in my jaw and one on my forehead seem to be calming down and I'm hopeful. I'm getting a lot of new whiteheads and have a few new cysts close to my ears, of all places.

I've been taking it in the morning, which makes me feel very drowsy at times. I almost fell off the treadmill at the gym today, but that's probably due more to my own clumsiness than dizziness caused by the medication.


Posted : 12/19/2013 10:25 pm

Day 10. Still getting new cysts on my forehead and chin. I've felt really fatigued and lethargic the last two days.


Posted : 12/20/2013 9:59 pm

Day 11.

I had two days of spotting instead of a period and have been in a foul mood.

Another cyst joined the party on my chin today. I've gone from a clear chin to five juicy cysts. The raging cyst right in the center of my forehead (making me look delightfully cross-eyed) is still going strong. This guy's been with me since before Thanksgiving. Maybe I should give it a name, since we seem to be together for the long haul.

I have small zits on the side of my nose too, where I don't usually get anything, but I'm too preoccupied by the cysts to really be bothered by those.

Despite my lethargy, I've been able to exercise without problem once I get out the door. I've gone on three 5-mile runs this week and I've felt really good.


Posted : 12/23/2013 5:47 pm

Day 14 here with Spiro and Aczone. My acne has gotten so much worse in the past two weeks and I'm really down. It has gone from a few stubborn spots to cysts all over my chin and whiteheads all over my face. I've been feeling incredibly depressed (we're talking crying for no reason and thinking that my life is worthless) during the past few days and I don't know if I'm just getting down about my face or whether the depression could be a "rare but serious side effect" of the new medications.

I feel like giving up right now. I think I will stop using Aczone and call my dermatologist after Christmas.


Posted : 12/25/2013 5:14 pm

I have gone from a few cysts on my forehead to eight enflamed cysts all over my face. I used to get zits plus one rouge cyst. Now every single tiny bump develops into a cyst.

I feel depressed, nauseous, dizzy, and incredibly lethargic. These really negative side effects only really began this week. Something has got to give. I feel horrible, mentally and physically. Skipping tonight's dose and calling my doctor/pharmacy tomorrow.


Posted : 12/28/2013 9:39 pm

I took a two day break from Spiro and felt noticeably less fatigued.The monster breakout from last week seems to be healing. The spiro is doing something, since I've noticed my hair is less oily. Usually I wash it every three days and on day three it's looking gross and up in a bun. Now on day three, it looks presentable. I am hopeful that the cystic zit I've had in the middle of my forehead for a month is finally healing. Knock on wood.

I need to treat my skin more gently too. I know picking is never good, but it seems extra damaging now.

The fatigue, dizziness, and needing to pee at night I've been getting are bad enough that I won't stay on Spiro long term if they don't improve. I hate being so tired and cranky but I've been struggling with acne for long enough though that I don't want to give up on this yet.


Posted : 12/30/2013 9:53 pm

Beginning of week three here and I'm feeling much better, mostly mentally, because I have reasons to feel optimistic now. I just lost it last week because I've been at home bored for a while now living with my parents, felt super fatigued from the Spiro, and my skin looked awful. I felt like, "why am I suffering these shitty side-effects just to make things worse?". The combination made me really depressed.

Now last week's traumatizing breakout is healing. The huge recurring zits right in the middle of my forehead that have been there five weeks are FINALLY healing so even though my face still looks worse than when I started spiro three weeks ago, I'm pleased. I don't seem to have any cysts in my jaw. I haven't been clear in that spot in 2.5 years and the area is covered in deep red marks. It'd be amazing if that area could stay clear and actually heal if I stay on Spiro.


Posted : 12/31/2013 9:54 am

Keep going! I had a couple disheartening breakouts when I started treating my acne hormonally, but now...5 1/2 months in, my skin is much better!

I started Beyaz about 5 1/2 months ago. One of Beyaz's major components is a progesterone that is similar to 25mg of Spiro. I added another 25mg of actual Spiro about a month ago, and my skin is improving even more! 50mg a day of anti-androgens. Not having cysts on my jawline is a new concept to me, too. :D Hope it all continues to improve!! :D


Posted : 01/04/2014 8:30 pm

Aaak! I'm getting spotting for the second time in a month and many more strands of hair have been falling out when I shower than before I started taking Spiro. This isn't just paranoia. While I have fewer deep cysts than a month ago, I have 10-15 more surface-level zits on my face instead. I'm freaked out by the shedding hair and messed up period at the moment. Guess I'd be more positive if my skin were looking good, but though it's different, it stills looks much worse than when I started a month ago. Grrr.


Posted : 01/05/2014 2:31 pm


I am 47 years old and have been suffering from acne off and on since my teen years. I also had been on antibiotics, tretinoin, and Accutane. The last six months, it got really bad. I have not had a calm face day for 6 months. I had cut out dairy, coffee, tea, and gone on a natural path by using oil cleansing method, jojoba oil for moisturizer, and add green smoothies to my diet. Nothing helps so far. I gave in and went to see a dermatologist last week. He prescribed Spiro for me. Currently I am only taking 25 mg and should be increasing it to 50 mg next Friday. I have been so depressed and don't want to go any where with my face full of cystic acne like this. When I go to bed at night, I usually wait for my husband to fall to sleep first before getting in to bed with a face full of aspirin mask to reduce the inflammation. I am so tired of this.


Posted : 01/05/2014 6:31 pm

Aaak! I'm getting spotting for the second time in a month and many more strands of hair have been falling out when I shower than before I started taking Spiro. This isn't just paranoia. While I have fewer deep cysts than a month ago, I have 10-15 more surface-level zits on my face instead. I'm freaked out by the shedding hair and messed up period at the moment. Guess I'd be more positive if my skin were looking good, but though it's different, it stills looks much worse than when I started a month ago. Grrr.

Hi chocolatemoose :) I think a lot of ladies have been able to control their period (and spotting) with a birth control pill. I know you said you were reluctant to go on any more oral medications, but since it's giving you trouble, you should look into it. I'm not sure what to do about the hair falling out, though :( There are a couple girls on this site who have experienced the same thing.


I am 47 years old and have been suffering from acne off and on since my teen years. I also had been on antibiotics, tretinoin, and Accutane. The last six months, it got really bad. I have not had a calm face day for 6 months. I had cut out dairy, coffee, tea, and gone on a natural path by using oil cleansing method, jojoba oil for moisturizer, and add green smoothies to my diet. Nothing helps so far. I gave in and went to see a dermatologist last week. He prescribed Spiro for me. Currently I am only taking 25 mg and should be increasing it to 50 mg next Friday. I have been so depressed and don't want to go any where with my face full of cystic acne like this. When I go to bed at night, I usually wait for my husband to fall to sleep first before getting in to bed with a face full of aspirin mask to reduce the inflammation. I am so tired of this.

Tinamatmun, I'm on the equivalent of 50mg (25 mg of Spiro and then my birth control, Beyaz, has a similar ingredient in it that also reduces androgens) and my skin is responding really well to it! Don't forget that it might take a couple months to see and feel a real difference, but if you keep at it, you'll definitely love the results. Here are my results after almost six months :)


Posted : 01/05/2014 9:48 pm

Hi everyone. I have a love hate relationship with Spironolactone. I like it for hormonal acne however weight gain was a side effect I did not expect. I read many blogs on many other health message boards and women discuss this problem. If it was just a few pounds that would be something I could deal with but it's how the weight is distributed on the body that I cannot handle. Because it blocks testosterone, it also allows your estrogen to become more dominant....bigger boobs, belly, hips and thighs! It piles on quickly which is why I have stopped it.

For those using it for acne.....yes it works.....but not without side effects for many. I am 47 years old with is cruel.


Posted : 01/06/2014 1:09 am

heitea, I am so happy for you. I am also looking forward to similar result hopefully for myself. Today had not been a good day. I did not go any where because I just want to hide my hideous looking face. I am dreading about going to work tomorrow. I have 8 active cystic acnes around my mouth area and at the side of my nose right now. I am afraid of going to sleep and waking up with more zits. The regimen that my derm puts me on is 25 mg. of Spiro for one week then increase the dosage to 50 mg, Clyndamicin phosphate wipes in the morning and tretinoin cream at night. I am crossing my fingers and hoping this regimen will work for me. So far, I am still getting new active zits every day...


Posted : 01/06/2014 8:10 am

I am on spiro for almost half a year now and did not gain a single pound. I have had quite a few unexpected "side effects," but all very positive ones.


Posted : 01/06/2014 12:07 pm

Sounds like the derm is easing your body into the Spiro--that's a good idea. Some people don't get fully clear until they're on 100mg or more of Spiro. So, in 5 months from now, if you're still getting new, weekly cystic acne, I'd ask the derm to up your dosage. :) Good luck! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! I never thought that this would really work, but it did. :D yay!

I am on spiro for almost half a year now and did not gain a single pound. I have had quite a few unexpected "side effects," but all very positive ones.

I want to second this. I have not gained weight, either. The Beyaz (birth control) that I'm on did increase my breast size, but my weight has remained constant. I also run [almost] everday and eat sweets and junk food in moderation-- but regardless of that, I don't think the Spiro would have caused any weight gain.


Posted : 01/09/2014 10:01 pm

Hey Tinamatnum, I'm sorry you're having such a tough time right now. I've been battling acne for years and know how depressing it can be. It's really hard, but it's important to keep busy and keep your mind occupied on other things. Things will get better. I wish I could follow my own advice, haha.

When my acne was at its absolute worst two years ago, clindamycin/bp gel and tretinoin cream cleared most of my face after two months of consistent use. I used to read the rx facts on the tretinoin cream that said, "it can take up to 12 weeks to see results", before bed sometimes to comfort myself. No joke. Keep following the regimen and you should see results. My acne was very severe and that combo (plus antibiotics, minus the spiro) brought it under control. I stayed mostly clear using that regimen, but even when I was "clear" by my standards, I never got rid of the cystic acne in my jawline which is why I'm trying spiro now.

heitea, I am so happy for you. I am also looking forward to similar result hopefully for myself. Today had not been a good day. I did not go any where because I just want to hide my hideous looking face. I am dreading about going to work tomorrow. I have 8 active cystic acnes around my mouth area and at the side of my nose right now. I am afraid of going to sleep and waking up with more zits. The regimen that my derm puts me on is 25 mg. of Spiro for one week then increase the dosage to 50 mg, Clyndamicin phosphate wipes in the morning and tretinoin cream at night. I am crossing my fingers and hoping this regimen will work for me. So far, I am still getting new active zits every day...


Posted : 01/10/2014 12:57 am

Hey Tinamatnum, I'm sorry you're having such a tough time right now. I've been battling acne for years and know how depressing it can be. It's really hard, but it's important to keep busy and keep your mind occupied on other things. Things will get better. I wish I could follow my own advice, haha.

When my acne was at its absolute worst two years ago, clindamycin/bp gel and tretinoin cream cleared most of my face after two months of consistent use. I used to read the rx facts on the tretinoin cream that said, "it can take up to 12 weeks to see results", before bed sometimes to comfort myself. No joke. Keep following the regimen and you should see results. My acne was very severe and that combo (plus antibiotics, minus the spiro) brought it under control. I stayed mostly clear using that regimen, but even when I was "clear" by my standards, I never got rid of the cystic acne in my jawline which is why I'm trying spiro now.

heitea, I am so happy for you. I am also looking forward to similar result hopefully for myself. Today had not been a good day. I did not go any where because I just want to hide my hideous looking face. I am dreading about going to work tomorrow. I have 8 active cystic acnes around my mouth area and at the side of my nose right now. I am afraid of going to sleep and waking up with more zits. The regimen that my derm puts me on is 25 mg. of Spiro for one week then increase the dosage to 50 mg, Clyndamicin phosphate wipes in the morning and tretinoin cream at night. I am crossing my fingers and hoping this regimen will work for me. So far, I am still getting new active zits every day...


Aaak! I'm getting spotting for the second time in a month and many more strands of hair have been falling out when I shower than before I started taking Spiro. This isn't just paranoia. While I have fewer deep cysts than a month ago, I have 10-15 more surface-level zits on my face instead. I'm freaked out by the shedding hair and messed up period at the moment. Guess I'd be more positive if my skin were looking good, but though it's different, it stills looks much worse than when I started a month ago. Grrr.

Hi chocolatemoose smile.png I think a lot of ladies have been able to control their period (and spotting) with a birth control pill. I know you said you were reluctant to go on any more oral medications, but since it's giving you trouble, you should look into it. I'm not sure what to do about the hair falling out, though sad.png There are a couple girls on this site who have experienced the same thing.

Hi Heitea, thanks for your message. Yeah, I'm actually going to visit the ob/gyn in a few days (same day as my one-month-on-spiro follow-up at the derm, double whammy!) and will discuss birth control. I think I'm finally willing to try it. My periods have always been messed up anyway, usually when I've lost a few pounds or am exercising a lot, and having a regular period would almost be a weird novelty. It's good to hear that you had success with beyaz.

I'll get a chance to ask the derm about the brittle hair thing too. I haven't treated my hair nicely in the past year, not that I ever do, so I can't fully blame spiro for it not looking nice, but the deterioration of my hair within the last few weeks is without precedent.

Hi chocolatemouse,

Thanks for the encouraging words. I really appreciate it because it does help. The last two days were nice because I didn't get new zit, and the old zits start to dry out a bit. However, this afternoon at work, I felt a little ache in the area below my lower lip. Sure enough a new zit is on its way to join other zits on my face. I am not too thrill about this. How is your battle going, Chocolatemouse?


Posted : 01/14/2014 1:42 pm

Eh, over a month in. Lots of red marks on my face from a bad breakout when beginning this medicine. I have active cysts in my jaw and pimples on my forehead. I will stop hoping for an immediate improvement and update this more infrequently.

I'm quitting aczone and sticking with tretinoin and bp. Yeah, tretinoin creams have harsh peeling/shedding effects, but I'm used to it. Aczone didn't seem to do anything for me and is more expensive.

I also realized that the medication I'm taking is called spironolactone and not spirolactone. My bad!


Posted : 01/31/2014 1:00 pm

Hair shedding is still messing with my mind. One persistent cyst on my forehead and two breakouts on my chin. I shed lots of hair all the time and it drives me crazy.


Posted : 02/02/2014 6:14 am


My skin is definitely less oily now than when I first started taking Spiro and my jaw cysts have healed even if I'm not clear on the rest of my face.

My hair shedding is just too distressing though and I'm about to throw in the towel and just stop taking Spiro. I guess I never thought I cared about my hair particularly much, but "you don't know what you have 'til it's gone".

Can't discuss it with my doctor as I recently moved to Germany and would need to find a German derm, which feels like too much work. UGH.


Posted : 02/02/2014 10:09 am

German doctors do not feally know about spiro. I can give you the adress of mine near Mannheim if that helps you. But I am his first spiro patient so he does not have other experience
