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Hey - New Here 🙂


Posted : 09/27/2013 7:15 am

Hey, I'm Ashley and I'm about to turn 25 in a week (figured I'd be allowed to join this forum). I'm day 3 into my Regimen (using Dan's products) and am pretty ecstatic about starting this whole thing. Long post - sorry!

A bit about my acne history: when I was starting puberty around 11, I had really bad inflammatory acne on my forehead. At that time I was the only girl with acne, and the only boy with acne once said to me, "Hey. You have acne? I do, too!" Definitely went down in my books as the (first) and worst pick-up line I had ever heard. The acne on my mostly went away by age 13 but it then seemed to "migrate" down to my cheeks and chin, where I started to get cysts. At that time I also had some chest and back acne but it became manageable once I learned how to properly exfoliate when showering. My acne seemingly went away around my junior year in high school. I got a few bumps here and there but it was nothing major. Even in college I didn't really have an issue except for a few bumps or cysts on my chin -- they seemed to be related to hormones.

Here I am at age 25 with acne issues again. It started about 2 years ago - I would get these tiny, flesh-colored bumps on my forehead that would pop up with a vengeance and then disappear within a couple of weeks. They aren't itchy and appear to be non-inflammatory. Additionally, I've got a blackhead on my cheek that has literally been there for 4 years now...I've grown so accustomed to it being there but I really hate it; I just don't know how to get rid of it. Anyway, the reason I began the Regimen is because those tiny bumps popped up on my forehead and have stuck around now for a couple of months, gaining momentum and causing inflammatory acne. I started to get zits on my chin, nose, temples, around my mouth. They are small but angry :-/ I'm guessing they are similar to milia in size and color but mine are only on the forehead and sometimes come to a head.

It's been 3 days since I've started the Regimen -- I'm only using BP at night right now, only about an inch long. I've already noticed a huge difference in the smoothness of my skin. Since my teens I've tried to take very good care of my skin - I always wash it twice per day, but it wasn't until college that I started to see the benefits of also moisturizing it. I've used Cetaphil, Neutrogena, Aveeno, Dove, all-natural products, and there was a time in my teens when I had been prescribed BP cream (I don't remember the percentage). Anyway, these products seem to be clearing up my skin quite quickly, although this seems to be the norm with others who have acne similar to myself. I'm aware that I will go through the drying period and perhaps even a period where my skin breaks out again. Frankly, I don't give a damn - I am SO ready to gain control of this, and starting the Regimen is step 1.

So, uh, hey. Nice to meet you all :)


Posted : 10/02/2013 11:54 am

Alright, I'm on Day 7 of the Regimen and so far my skin is looking and feeling great. I've not had any new breakouts, which is fantastic, but I've definitely noticed a slight increase in dryness on my cheeks just under my eyes. It's definitely manageable with the moisturizer, with which I'm absolutely in love. This is the first moisturizer I've used that is just so easy to apply, soaks in quickly, and doesn't leave my face oily-looking.

I'm going to slightly increase the dosage of the BP tonight to begin my second week and I'll keep you all updated. As of right now I still have some small bumps on my forehead and jawline and, now that a lot of the actual acne has cleared up, I can see that I've got some faint scarring on my chin and cheeks. It's weird feeling the smoothness of my face...I just keep looking in the mirror absolutely aghast at what I'm seeing. I don't think I've ever really had clear skin and this is by far the best it's ever looked but I am prepared for what the increase of BP will do to it. It's just nice to get a sneak preview, I guess :P


Posted : 10/02/2013 5:40 pm

Hey that's awesome, congratulations on your results!

I think the important thing with BP is to keep the amount in moderation. I know the general consesus is to keep using more and more but if something is working for you there is no need to up the dosage.

Also, goes without saying but drink PLENTY of water!


Posted : 10/08/2013 10:55 am

Hi I am just starting. Got my stuff today. Well will keep you posted too.


Posted : 11/04/2013 1:50 am

Keep with the regimen! It works! I started in June. My skin isn't perfect, but it has NEVER looked this good. It wasn't an immediate fix. It took awhile, about 3 months for the real change and I did get pretty frustrated, but stuck with it. I hope it works as well for you. Good luck!


Posted : 11/18/2013 7:15 pm

I just received the Regime, I am going to use it for the first time tonight! I'm very excited and I have high hopes!! I hope it works for the both of us! hifive.gif


Posted : 11/19/2013 10:48 am

Nice to meet you surprised.gif ... I'm so glad things are going great for you, keep it up! The Regimen is the only thing that has worked for me as well. It has been very frustraing at times, but well worth it!
