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Role Models


Posted : 04/11/2013 7:48 pm



But I do believe that this topic is very important to our mental health!

Dear Users!


I hope you are all well! I'm very glad to see all of your faces again!

If you don't want to read my whole post: Please comment about: Who your Role Model(s) are - why - and the pro's and con's of having role models.

Briefly - about me:

I am 18 years old - in high school, I have been taking Lymacycline for a year and my acne has subsided thankfully. However, acne has left a large 'hole' in my confidence and i try and fill it with positivity and inspiration from role models. However, this sometimes can be my downfall as it plays on my borderline emotional imbalance issues(LAWL).

My Role Models:

I have 2 role models currently, and they have been my role models for years now.

Firstly, they are both YouTubers -

SMPFilms/DudeLikeHella (Cory)


I know what you might be thinking - Wow- Youtubers?! LAME! But, here's why I am glad YouTubers are my role models:

  • I have daily access to their content which is uploaded consistently and regularly!
  • Since they are not 'celebrities', I can and have interacted with them which is very rewarding.

The reasons why I admire them:

Cory - He comes from a poverty ridden background, suffering many set backs including the sudden death of his step father and many other friends and family passing away. He also 'suffered' from ADHD which gave him a natural setback. But he turned that around- using his ADHD and willpower to get through his suicidal phase and depression to persue creativity he quickly rose to fame by creating online skits, music and video logs. Since then however, he has been through a divorce and come out the other end in better shape, positive attitude and a bigger house.

Overall - Cory is a strong individual who doesn't let his shortcomings even see daylight. He's all about being himself and having fun and worked hard on all fronts to get where he is.

Cassandra- Cassandra is a young aspiring actress with a heart of Gold. She started her video diary in high school (where I am now), I have got to see her daily life since late 2009 and since then, she has left school - moved out of her rural town in Canada to the big city of Vancouver, worked hard with a variety of jobs whilst working constantly and intensely to become a stunt actress. Her happy and positive outlook on life kept her on the right track and as of now, 2013 - nearly 4 years after she started her journey, she has recieved roles on supernatural and entered the acting world.

Overall - Her positive attitude and energetic, bubbly personality is what everybody aims to be and has kept her on track to become what she always dreamt of. She is a motivational, inspiration person who will do anything and everything to spread her positivity without being afraid of showing her (few) flaws.

Pro's of having a Role Model.

  • On a bad day, or good day, I can watch and sometimes interact with people who are POSITIVE!
  • I have something to aim towards!
  • I have someone to relate to!

Con's of having a Role Model.

  • My emotional imbalance can turn this against me and make me seemingly obsessed with them, I often imagine having conversations with them.
  • I compare myself to them too much sometimes- which makes me feel inadequate.
  • Trying to be like someone else has inhered flaws. It can come across as unnatural and create personality conflicts.

Why this is on my mind:


I recently became very depressed and I began to think that my role models are people I could never live up to. I began to wonder whether anybody else felt inferior to their Role Models and Googled it, finding nothing i decided to post here!

So please offer your thoughts and comments- That would be Awesome! I would highly recommend if you are bored to check out Cory and Cassandra's channels if you wish aswell.

All in all, Goodnight all! <3



Posted : 04/11/2013 8:54 pm

I have several role models, but one of mine that actually pertains to skin issues is another YouTuber...this girl with the username DiamondsandHeels14. (Cassandra) Some people on this site may know her already. She primarily makes videos about like make-up, fashion, and girly stuff...and being that I'm a straight male I have no idea what she's talking about most of the time and I don't have much interest in any of that stuff lol....BUT...

The reason I like her so much is because she clearly suffers from acne but she is incredibly confident and courageous despite that. She is so open about sharing the woes of acne and how it affects her life, and I just really look up to her because she has the ability to do that and put herself out there like that. It's like she just throws insecurity out the window and says "fuck it, I have acne, so I'm going to be honest with people about it and not be ashamed." She seems to have a really sweet and bubbly personality too and it seems like she enjoys every single aspect of her life and doesn't let acne hold her back in any way. I hope I can reach that level someday. I always look forward to her acne update videos more than anything else because she always talks about new treatments she's trying, what kind of improvements she's seeing, what triggers this breakout, etc etc.

So yeah, when it comes to my skin issues, she's def a role model of mine.


Posted : 04/12/2013 12:18 am

Yea, leatherface.


Posted : 04/16/2013 11:59 pm

Nick Diaz. Socially awkward, has social anxiety, grew up in a messed up situation, was bullied and now is a fighter. Took all his rage and focused it into martial arts. No he doesn't have acne, has nothing to do with that its about being a man and standing up for yourself. He is everything i wish I was. Thats my f*cking hero.
