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Cystic Pimple That Keeps Reforming In Exact Same Spot


Posted : 03/28/2010 2:11 pm

Around January, I got a cystic pimple on my right cheek that I didn't mess with and just let run its course. Previous to this, my skin had been nearly flawless for over a year. It grew red and sore, even came to a head, then reduced down to a small, slightly raised, pink bump that I thought was just a scar or something that would go away over time. A few weeks later, I noticed the bump began to swell up and redden again slightly, and before you knew it I had a cyst in the same spot, of the same caliber as before. This time, when it came to a head it cut open in my sleep, and when I woke up I decided just to gently squeeze the contents out since it was already oozing. Once again, after scabbing, it reduced to a small bump. This process has continued two more times, but the last two times, I've become very frustrated, and haven't let it grow to it's full size. I've noticed when it begins to raise, I can see a white spot under the surface of my skin, indicating infection. Quickly I pop it, pus and blood comes out as usual, and it reduces to a small bump after scabbing again. I'm getting very tired of going through this cycle, having a raised bump, then popping it, then having a scab for a while, then beginning over again. I'm beginning to wonder if the core is still trapped, or if there's something else involved. Is there anything I can do to make this problem disappear?


Posted : 03/28/2010 10:45 pm

I have a similar issue on both cheeks. Cystic acne comes and goes in the exact same spots. A couple months ago, both sides flared up for the first time. Nothing came of the right side, but the left side became a full blown cyst. Doctor gave me Differin and two days later that cyst was history. Now, the one on the right which remained a painless, tiny red spot decides to flare up. It came to a head, drained and now I have a scab on my cheek. I've been putting Differin on the spot for a month and a half and it still flared. I think it was b/c I used cheap sunscreen that clogged my pores and moisturizer. No idea why people say put moisturizer on a pimple, don't you want it dry up? Moisturing acne is like watering a garden. Watch it grow.


Some of the infection must be left deep in the skin on the site of the cyst. And it flares up from time to time. It's sort of like a cold sore/ulcer inside the mouth caused by herpes (non-genital, not STD type). The infection is always present in the mouth and the same exact spot can flare up throughout life. In time, it will heal for good.


I've had a lot of luck with Differin and highly recommend it. I think this cyst finally came to the surface b/c of Differin. It's making it worse right now so that it can heal it.


Good luck!


Posted : 03/29/2010 2:06 pm

Go to a derm and get the contents expressed (drained) and/or get a cortisone shot as well. That should take care of the cyst. Right now there is a little left because the contents are never totally removed.


Joe Zit


Posted : 05/05/2010 8:56 am

Go to a derm and get the contents expressed (drained) and/or get a cortisone shot as well. That should take care of the cyst. Right now there is a little left because the contents are never totally removed.

Joe Zit

Can you get a cortisone shot if the cystic pimple is already scabbed over?


Posted : 02/17/2021 4:31 am

I have this problem on my left cheek, about an inch from the corner of my mouth. It will fill and eventually drain pus and blood when I'm sleeping, or absent-mindedly rubbing it gently or while I'm in the shower. It will get smaller, as if it's going away, but will fill again in a few days. I understand it's a form of staph. Is it a cause for alarm? What is the best course of action?
