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Deep meditation for Acne and other skin problems


Posted : 05/27/2008 4:48 am

Hello! I just wanted to mention that i cured my skin problems. Not with some fancy expensive product. Just by learning to relax deeply and go inside. And once there deep within i strongly imagine how i want my skin to look. Law of attraction is popular now thanks to Oprah. ItAs probably the same thing. I was told by someone i trust that what we perceive as reality out there, which of course include our body is a result of our beliefs deep deep within. Both as an individual and group. There may be more to it than that but i know it really really works.


My skin used to look terrible. Red, big pores and scars. Once i threw out my mirrors because i got depressed from what i saw.

I started to meditate about 6 years ago. Had real problems first. To concentrate on something. The breath, inner sound or something else. Now itAs become a habit and i can go very deep within just almost by wanting to.


My skin is now how i want it to be. I have a picture in my mind of how i want it to look. The color and texture. I used a model photo to decide. It looks like that now and itAs not some self deception. ItAs very real. The scars are gone, no big pores and the color is perfect.


It can be tough to learn how to go within because we stay at the surface most of the time. And when we sleep we lose consciousness. But the more you practise the faster you get there. Make it a habit.


Ok..Just wanted to tell you what worked for me.


Good luck everyone




Posted : 05/27/2008 8:13 am

Meditation is extremely powerful, I'm glad it helped you with your acne!


Posted : 05/27/2008 8:19 am

Anyone got any good suggestions for some ebooks or something about meditation?


I cant seem to find anything good in Denmark. So if anyone got got some suggestions, that would be cool =)


Sorry for "hijacking" your topic.


Posted : 05/27/2008 10:40 am

another good addition to this idea is to take control of your beliefs systems, read descartes and you might learn something, issac newton was way into descartes and he pretty much changed the world forever, if issac newton thought he was the shit, there gotta be something to him.


Posted : 05/27/2008 4:08 pm

Hey Yogi - wow that's a really interesting story!


I've had the CD by Innertalk called 'Clear Skin' sitting around for ages and not got round to using it until recently.


I've started playing it in the background while watching TV and sleeping, so who knows. It includes lots of positive subliminal messages which are supposed to help your body heal itself of spots - I think the idea is that you aborb the messages (such as 'my skin is clear, my skin is healthy') and then your body makes it so.


Anyway I don't know if it works but it can't hurt and I find it relaxing - I play it along with a couple of other CDs I have from Innertalk, including 'Freedom from Stress' and 'Confidence'. I think it's really important to learn to relax - something I have a hard time doing - and to believe in yourself. After all if your constantly saying to yourself 'I have crap skin, it will never get better' then your subconscious will pass that message on to your body and it won't be motivated to heal.


I'd like to try 'proper' meditation too. It sounds like it would be very rewarding in many ways.




Posted : 05/29/2008 11:26 am

The power of the mind. WOW!


Posted : 05/30/2008 12:00 am

yea well, your mind is connected to the rest of your body, its a system. ALthough for some reason its widely assumed that its somehow miles away and has nothing to do with the rest of your body but its all right there, connected.


My personal feeling right now is that your mental health is equally as important as your dietary health.


Posted : 05/30/2008 12:20 am

Or maybe, just maybe, you grew out of acne?


I have been doing meditation for a few years. What is it? IMO, it is a mechanism to bring the mind to peace, be in the present moment, understand life.


Even Yogis, who are able to slow down heart beats & breath, walk on fire -still, these are all forms of controlling one's volutary & involutary thoughts.


But cure acne? It's a bit of a leap isn't it? I know the power of the mind, but can we cure cancer, attain world peace, kill the bacteria causing acne, shave without blades? That is not what meditation is.


But then again these are just my opinions, I'm probably wrong.


Posted : 05/30/2008 12:22 am

Everybody watch "What The Bleep Do We Know?" Omg itll change ur lives (kinda). In it they talk about an experiment done by a japanese scientist in which he placed a drop of water onto different petry dishes and then froze the water to let it form crystals. The water that was used came from different sources (bottles of water) to which different emotions were instilled by mere thoughts and messages written on the bottle. For example, one was blessed by a buddhist monk, another had messages of love, while some had hateful messages and thoughts placed on them. What happened is that the water drops that came from bottles with positive thoughts and messages made the most beautiful crystals while those from bottles whit messages of hate and evil formed into ugly randomness. What really hit me was when they mentioned "If our thoughts can do that to water, imagine what they can do to our bodies (which are 80% water)" It really makes u least for me it did.


Posted : 05/30/2008 1:56 am

I like "What The Bleed Do We Know". It's fantastic and uplifting movie.


I have one problem with it though. It makes quite a big leaps of faith. The way they present things there gives an impression that quantum physics proves the law of attraction and everything else presented in the movie.


Most quantum physicists would disagree with that.


Some day quantum physics may prove it scientifically, but we are not there yet. So to lead viewers to believe it's a scientific is a bit of a deception. We just don't know yet.


Still for an uplifting and feel good movie that gets you thinking it's great.


Lately I've been thinking a lot about the power of the mind over the body. And this loops back to the original post on this thread.


For example, can we just with the power of our mind 'override' the negative effects of a unhealthy diet?


Does a healthy diet get you clear and healthy because you believe it does or because it physiologically makes us healthier?


In other words, go we get clear just because of a placebo effect?


Of course to do that would require a major belief and thinking overhaul for many people.


There's some anecdotal evidence to back this up. So it's an interesting idea. Still, until I know better I'm going to hedge my bets and eat a healthy diet and live a healthy life.


Any thoughts?


Posted : 05/30/2008 3:12 pm

Everybody watch "What The Bleep Do We Know?" Omg itll change ur lives (kinda). In it they talk about an experiment done by a japanese scientist in which he placed a drop of water onto different petry dishes and then froze the water to let it form crystals. The water that was used came from different sources (bottles of water) to which different emotions were instilled by mere thoughts and messages written on the bottle. For example, one was blessed by a buddhist monk, another had messages of love, while some had hateful messages and thoughts placed on them. What happened is that the water drops that came from bottles with positive thoughts and messages made the most beautiful crystals while those from bottles whit messages of hate and evil formed into ugly randomness. What really hit me was when they mentioned "If our thoughts can do that to water, imagine what they can do to our bodies (which are 80% water)" It really makes u least for me it did.

Posted : 05/30/2008 3:16 pm

I like "What The Bleed Do We Know". It's fantastic and uplifting movie.


I have one problem with it though. It makes quite a big leaps of faith. The way they present things there gives an impression that quantum physics proves the law of attraction and everything else presented in the movie.


Most quantum physicists would disagree with that.


Some day quantum physics may prove it scientifically, but we are not there yet. So to lead viewers to believe it's a scientific is a bit of a deception. We just don't know yet.


Still for an uplifting and feel good movie that gets you thinking it's great.


Lately I've been thinking a lot about the power of the mind over the body. And this loops back to the original post on this thread.


For example, can we just with the power of our mind 'override' the negative effects of a unhealthy diet?


Does a healthy diet get you clear and healthy because you believe it does or because it physiologically makes us healthier?


In other words, go we get clear just because of a placebo effect?


Of course to do that would require a major belief and thinking overhaul for many people.


There's some anecdotal evidence to back this up. So it's an interesting idea. Still, until I know better I'm going to hedge my bets and eat a healthy diet and live a healthy life.


Any thoughts?


Posted : 05/30/2008 3:39 pm

I've getting into yoga and am finding similarly positive results. It's challenging for the body, but involves a lot of stillness, concentration and deep relaxation.


Posted : 05/31/2008 8:17 am

There is no need for any cd or courses really. I guess the most popular method is to observe your breath. BUT more importantly is to feel like you become your breath.

AND after a while when it becomes easier you can notice the space between the out and in breath. That is where we can connect to our real nature.


I was told that when we reach very deep within or rather closer to our real nature then we experience ourselves as particles that emit light and have a certain sound or vibration. I have not reached that deep yet though.


Posted : 05/31/2008 9:19 am

dan actually posted about this recently



Posted : 06/17/2008 2:56 pm

YogiBear7, this question is for you: you said you had big red pores and scars. Did you have any scarred pores or larger depressed or ice pick scars that "went away"? This is very important for me to know, as I absolutely believe one could clear their skin of acne with appropriate attention to the desired result, but even I have doubts that the cells that make up our skin and all of the scars and stretched/scarred pores could be "rearranged" over time with intense visualization and belief. I have a tiny flicker of belief within that if I had a very intense expectation that my body, which is replacing cells in my skin every day, could slowly, over maybe 5-7 years, reproduce the image I impress upon my subconscious. I'd LOVE to believe that it's possible, but I just don't know if it is.


Also, I have recently begun digging very deeply into the Seth material by Jane Roberts which says we can change our physical appearance in profound fashion (within limits - like, we're not going to regrow a limb at this point because it doesn't work in our framework of beliefs).... Also, many shamanistic belief systems (like the Hawaiin system of healing/belief called Huna) as well as many quantum physicists believe that everything in the universe is a hologram, including the body, and that the mind shapes the hologram. The book "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot will blow your mind. He writes the book using many of the most current theories on quantum physics to explain phenomena, including extraordinary physical phenomena that is very well documented. Using highly reliable documented sources, he informs the reader of people throughout history who have demonstrated some incredible stuff:


1.) Fire-Immunity: Hundreds of documented cases of people who could not be burned by fire. This is still happening today.


2.) Materializing vast amounts of blood: several cases of people who were hemmoraging who continued to "materialize" blood as they bled for hours on end.


3.) Sai Baba: Hindu man who has, for the last 50 years materialized ornate and costly pieces of jewelry, candy, ash, grains of rice with intricately-detailed paintings out of seemingly thin air. He is able to produce objects upon request and has also been seen "bi-locating" -- snapping his fingers, disappearing, then reappearing 100 yards away. There are


4.) Stigmatics who actually produced nail-like protuberances formed from hardened skin that actually moved through the wounds like nails.... weird!


5.) accounts of levitation


6.) Here are some excerpts from a chapter in the Holographic Universe:


"..One of the most remarkable displays of miraculous events ever recorded, took place in Paris in the first half of the eighteenth century. The events centered around a puritanical sect of Dutch-influenced Catholics known as the Jansenists, and were precipitated by the death of a saintly and revered Jansenist deacon named Francois de Paris. Although few living today have even heard of the Jansenist miracles, they were one of the most talked about events in Europe for the better part of a century.


To understand fully the Jansenist miracles, it is necessary to know a little about the historical events that preceded Francois de Paris's death. Jansenism was founded in the early seventeenth century, and from the start it was at odds with both the Roman Catholic Church and the French Monarchy. Many of the beliefs diverged sharply from standard church doctrine but it was a popular movement and quickly gained followers among the French populace. Most damning of all, it was viewed by both the papacy and King Lois XV, a devout Catholic, as Protestantism only masquerading as Catholicism. As a result, both the church and the king were constantly maneuvering to undermine the movement's power.


One obstacle to these maneuverings, and one of the factors that contributed to the movement's popularity, was that Jansenist leaders seemed especially skilled at performing miraculous healings. Nonetheless, the church and the monarchy persevered, causing fierce debates to rage throughout France. It was on May 1st, 1727, at the height of this power struggle, that Francois de Paris died and was interred in the parish cemetery of Saint-Medard, Paris." (pp.128-129)


"Because of the abbe's saintly reputation, worshippers began to gather at his tomb and, from the beginning, a host of miraculous healings were reported. The ailments thus cured included cancerous tumors, paralysis, deafness, arthritis, rheumatism, ulcerous sores, persistent fevers, prolonged hemorrhaging, and blindness. But this was not all. The mourners also started to experience strange involuntary spasms or convulsions and to undergo the most amazing contortions of their limbs. These seizures quickly proved contagious, spreading like a brush fire until the streets were packed with men, women, and children, all twisting and writhing as if caught up in a surreal enchantment." (p.129)


"'It was while they were in this fitful and trancelike state that the "convulsionaires," as they come to be called, displayed the most phenomenal of their talents. One was the ability to endure without harm an almost unimaginable variety of physical tortures. These included severe beatings, blows from both heavy and sharp objects, and strangulation -- all with no signs of injury or even the slightest trace of wounds or bruises. (p.129)


"'What makes these miraculous events so unique is that they were witnessed by thousands of observers. The frenzied gatherings around Abbe Paris's tomb were by no means short-lived. The cemetery and the streets surrounding it were crowded day and night for years, and even two decades later, after miracles were still being reported (to give some idea of the enormity of the phenomena, in 1733, it was noted in the public records that over 3,000 volunteers needed simply to assist the convulsionaires and make sure, for example, that the female participants did not become immodestly exposed during their seizures.) As a result, the supernormal abilities of the convulsionaires became an international cause celebre, and thousands flocked to see them, including individuals from all social strata and officials from every educational, religious, and governmental institution imaginable; numerous accounts, both official and unofficial, of the miracles witnessed are recorded in the documents of the time."


"Invulnerability was not the only talent the Jansenists displayed during their seizures. Some became clairvoyant and were able to "discern hidden things." Others could read even when their eyes were closed and tightly bandaged, and instances of levitation were reported. One of the levitators, an Abbe named Bescherand from Montpellier, was so "forcibly lifted into the air" during his convulsions that even the witnesses tried to hold him down they could not succeed in keeping him from raising up off the ground." (pp.129-131)


Voltaire quipped, "God was forbidden, by order of the King, to work any miracles there." (p.131)


David Hume wrote, 'There surely never was so great a number of miracles ascribed to one person as those which were lately said to have been wrought in France upon the tomb of Abbe Paris. Many of the miracles were immediately proved upon on the spot, before judges of unquestioned credit and distinction, in a learned age, and in the most eminent theatre that is now in the world." ( p.131)


I could say so much more, but anyone interested in changing their body with their beliefs needs to read the Holographic Universe....


But, please, YogiBear7, give us more details as to how "bad" your skin was 6 years ago.


Posted : 06/17/2008 3:04 pm

One other thing that Talbot talks about in his book The Holographic Universe, is the concept of "Reality Fields." for instance, many things we "think" are impossible until they are done...and then that new reality field has been created, so others start to do it. For example, the materialization of blood (as mentioned in my above post) - the first documented case showed up in the 14th century. There were no known accounts before then. Afterwards, many other accounts began to show up afterwards.


When you see the universe as one interconnected hologram of light and energy waves, it's much easier to understand how all of this is possible.


Perhaps you, Yogibear7, have created a new Reality Field, and others can start believing it's possible too.


Also, you guys should go to matrix energetics (no space in between the two words) dot com. What Dr. Richard Bartlett is doing will blow your mind!


Posted : 06/17/2008 10:41 pm

I am nothing and everything

I am everywhere and nowhere


Posted : 06/19/2008 4:30 pm



Posted : 06/19/2008 8:24 pm


might wanna give this a try


Posted : 06/20/2008 3:53 am

might wanna give this a try


Wow this is great. Thanks a lot for that.

I was actually a bit intrigued at first of the voice, i thought this might be one of those immature videos where some scary noise and image appears in a few minutes lol

but it is amazing what the mind can do.

Starting this today


Posted : 06/21/2008 4:44 pm

Where'd you go, Yogibear7???


Posted : 06/21/2008 6:59 pm

Hello! I just wanted to mention that i cured my skin problems. Not with some fancy expensive product. Just by learning to relax deeply and go inside. And once there deep within i strongly imagine how i want my skin to look. Law of attraction is popular now thanks to Oprah. Its probably the same thing. I was told by someone i trust that what we perceive as reality out there, which of course include our body is a result of our beliefs deep deep within. Both as an individual and group. There may be more to it than that but i know it really really works.


My skin used to look terrible. Red, big pores and scars. Once i threw out my mirrors because i got depressed from what i saw.

I started to meditate about 6 years ago. Had real problems first. To concentrate on something. The breath, inner sound or something else. Now its become a habit and i can go very deep within just almost by wanting to.


My skin is now how i want it to be. I have a picture in my mind of how i want it to look. The color and texture. I used a model photo to decide. It looks like that now and its not some self deception. Its very real. The scars are gone, no big pores and the color is perfect.


It can be tough to learn how to go within because we stay at the surface most of the time. And when we sleep we lose consciousness. But the more you practise the faster you get there. Make it a habit.


Ok..Just wanted to tell you what worked for me.


Good luck everyone


Sorry, but that's utterly quacky. Meditation is not going to rid you of acne. It's probably the fact that you were less stressed or you grew out of it (6 years?)



Posted : 06/21/2008 7:04 pm

Hello! I just wanted to mention that i cured my skin problems. Not with some fancy expensive product. Just by learning to relax deeply and go inside. And once there deep within i strongly imagine how i want my skin to look. Law of attraction is popular now thanks to Oprah. Its probably the same thing. I was told by someone i trust that what we perceive as reality out there, which of course include our body is a result of our beliefs deep deep within. Both as an individual and group. There may be more to it than that but i know it really really works.


My skin used to look terrible. Red, big pores and scars. Once i threw out my mirrors because i got depressed from what i saw.

I started to meditate about 6 years ago. Had real problems first. To concentrate on something. The breath, inner sound or something else. Now its become a habit and i can go very deep within just almost by wanting to.


My skin is now how i want it to be. I have a picture in my mind of how i want it to look. The color and texture. I used a model photo to decide. It looks like that now and its not some self deception. Its very real. The scars are gone, no big pores and the color is perfect.


It can be tough to learn how to go within because we stay at the surface most of the time. And when we sleep we lose consciousness. But the more you practise the faster you get there. Make it a habit.


Ok..Just wanted to tell you what worked for me.


Good luck everyone


Sorry, but that's utterly quacky. Meditation is not going to rid you of acne. It's probably the fact that you were less stressed or you grew out of it (6 years?) Well quacky isn't the right word, maybe nonsensical?




Posted : 06/21/2008 11:14 pm

yea this has been an on and off thing for me. i think my main problem is that my self image is so fucked and ive been like this for so long that i actually cant visualize my skin fully clear. i actually struggle with it in my head. maybe that thing with a model picture will work
